Red Eyes

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(Sierra's new hair)

General POV

Sierra stands in her dress as Evie holds up to other ones tilting her head unsure of which one looks best,

"I can't choose what looks better!" Evie sighs in frustration, "Earth to Sierra." Evie snaps Sierra out of her thoughts and smiles in embarrassment,

"Sorry. I like them all, but which one goes with Carlos's outfit?" Sierra asks innocently,

"Why does it matter if it matches-" She stops herself mid-sentence, "Oh my god! You two are dating!" Evie exclaims jumping around,

"No, he's my date to the Cotillion, that's all. Even though he hasn't asked yet, Jay says he's going to, I just hope soon." Sierra explains very briefly, Evie frowns at the news and continues pondering about the dresses again,

"Ugh the blue looks amazing, but the yellow, even more." Sierra sighs,

"Don't forget that red one you made a few months ago," Sierra smirks, Evie knows that's her favourite one, but Belle has pleaded Sierra to wear yellow or blue, to represent the kingdom.

"No, not happening," Evie says sternly. Evie's phone starts ringing but she ignores it. Suddenly Sierra's start ringing,

"Hello," Sierra says into the phone,

"Hey, where are you, you're late for class." The boy says,

"I'm with Evie. We're doing fittings right now, I'm sorry I forgot. And Evie would have murdered me if we didn't do the fitting today." Sierra apologizes,

"It's okay. Maybe you want to hurry up before the teacher gets mad." The boy says sadly, 

"No. I'm coming right now." Sierra hangs up before the boy could say another word, "Evie get me out of this dress. I have to go right now, we're late for school." Evie helps her down, and she gets dressed in...

She puts water on her hair to let the curls take its natural form

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She puts water on her hair to let the curls take its natural form. Sierra rushes out the door, forgetting her sword. Evie catches up with Mal, Jay, and Carlos.


All the girls they pass say hi to Jay making him smirk and Carlos roll his eyes,

"Why do you torture them? Just pick someone to take to Cotillion already." Carlos says annoyed by Jay's actions,

"I'm going solo. That way, I can dance with all of them." Jay explains,

"Ah! You're the expert. Um... Jay." Jay knew what question was coming but he decided to let Carlos carry on, "If you were gonna ask someone, what's the best way to go?" 

Jay smirks and grabs onto his shoulder, "Listen, all you have to do, is look like me." Jay jokes and,

"Oh, ha-ha," Carlos says sarcastically as Jay laughs before Jay could give him a real answer the girl comes walking over,

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