The ACT-unknown

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“Ladies and Gentlemen this is your Captain speaking. My name is Captain Fernandez. We are landing really soon so please fasten your seat belt, thank you. Cabin crew, prepare for landing”

We have landed few minutes ago and here I am queuing up in the business class/priority line when Mr. Starbucks was in front of me, wearing his sunglasses once again, hiding his greenish-blue eyes. 

“Are you following me?” He asked without any emotions

“Excuse me? Are you talking to me?” I asked looking around.

“Yes, you Ms. Stalker” He pointed at me

“No! Of course not!” I said arguing with him 

“Oh, yes you are, you keep on bugging and now you are following me huh?” He said and walked away.

I was left alone, feeling angry.

I decided not to care of what Mr. Starbucks have accused me but then I was still mad of what happened, I was embarrassed as no one have accused me to be a stalker. I was waiting for my luggage in the luggage department when I saw Mr. Starbucks standing next to me. “It's time for a small revenge” I told myself and smile

“Are you stalking me? Mr. Starbucks?” I said sounding annoyed

“NO! NEVER!” he said when a girl with a guy approached us 

“Hi Jason!” she said greeting Mr. Starbucks 

Suddenly Mr. Starbucks seems shocked but he recovered afterwards.

 “Hi, Chloe” He said giving her semi-smile

“Hi bud” The guy next to the girl greeted him with guilt on his face and you would be able to see Mr. Starbucks clenched his fist.

“Hi” He said greeted back in a cold tone

I was planning to go away and just let them be and forget about the journey when someone wrap their arm around my waist and pulled me close.

“Sweetheart, where are you planning to go?” Mr. Starbucks said sounding hurt and I turned around to look at him. I saw his eyes asking for help to make sure I will go with the flow

“Driver is waiting outside” I said smiling and touching his face “I'll see you there” I continued. I was planning to release myself from his hug but he just hold me tighter and whispered on my ears “Please stay, I need you” He said pleading. I smiled and said 'Okay.' When the girl called Chloe came and suddenly asked “Who is she? Your new girlfriend?” She asked giving a grip on the guy next to her.

I turned around to look at her and wait for Mr. Starbucks to say something but he didn't. “Yes, I am and you are?” I asked acting like his real girlfriend “I am his special friend” she answered glaring at me “Oh, so you are Chloe?” I asked and thank God I was eavesdropping a while ago. She nodded “Nice meeting you Chloe and who is he?” looking at the guy next to her “He is David, my boyfriend” She said emphasizing the last word, boyfriend.

“Oh... Hi nice meeting you too, but then we have to go. Hope to catch up with you guys soon” then I turned to look at Mr. Starbucks “So we better go? Dad and Mom are waiting for us at home” I said releasing myself from his hug, this time he let me go but he put his hand into mine.” Sure sweetheart, see you guys around.” And he pulled me away with him.

At the exit of the airport

“Excuse me but then I don't think they are still around so could you please let go of my hand?” I asked and pulled my hand away

“Thank you for helping me out there” he said and smiled widely.

I was stunned to see him smiling straight at me. “You owe me a favour, Mr. Starbucks” I said looking at him, not knowing if his emotion will change.

“Sure, Ms. Stalker when I see you next time, I'll surely repay your kindness of helping me but as of now, my driver is here so see you around!” He was walking towards a black BMW, just then a man came and asked me.

“Ms. Winxiarene Lancaster?” He asked looking at me that make me look at his way.

Jason stopped at the moment he heard the man asked who showed up next to Ms. Stalker when he heard him saying the last name 'Lancaster,' “So it's her?” He murmured in a low tone and turned around to watch what will happen next.

“Yes, it's me” I said and smiled at him. “I'm your driver George, I am really sorry I am late, please do not fire me” He said looking scared that in no time he will lose his job.

 “It's okay and who would fire you for being late?” I said smiling, “Tell me if my parents do but I know they won't do that” I continued and get my things.

“No, Ma'am---“ I cut him off “ Just call me Winx and please treat me like those normal teenager, please?”

“Okay Winx but---“He was cut off once again but this time it wasn't me. When I turned around it was Mr. Starbucks

“See you tomorrow afternoon, sweetheart.” he winked at me and turned around and went inside the car.

I was inside the car and his words kept on repeating in my mind 'See you tomorrow afternoon, sweetheart.'

"Did I hear him correct?” asking myself “or am I just dreaming that we would meet again?”

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