Chapter 19: Oh my Death !

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[Time skip,2 weeks] (Lol I'm too lazy to write details ! haha)

Chiisana was able to walk again,thanks to Kid's help. Now,they were in school,sitting in their seats. "Hmm… Blackstar's here on time. New record." Stein shrugged. Blackstar laughed. "Of course !" He placed his feet on his desk,smirking.

"Oh. Chiisana and your weapons. Along with Death the Kid and his twins. You six are needed in Lord Death's office." Stein announced. "Huh ? Why ?" Chiisana asked.

"I don't know." Stein shrugged. "But what about classes ?" Akeno asked. "You're excused. Now go." Stein said. They just shrugged then stood up,then left.

"So… Why do you think we are called ?" Ameno popped. "I don't remember doing something wrong…" Chiisana mumbled. "Maybe a mission." Liz shrugged. "Or girraffes !" Patti laughed. "Nope Patti. Well… I think it'll be about your past." Kid said. Chiisana looked quite startled. "Why do you know ?" Akeno raised an eyebrow. "Cause he's my father ?" Kid laughed.

"Psh. Yeah yeah." Akeno shrugged. "I'm excited to know my real past… I hate the way Medusa replaced it and made my life a living hell." Chiisana sighed. "It's fine. Who knows ? Maybe you have a sister too." Ameno smiled. "Or a symmetrical mansion ?" Kid said. Everyone blinked.

"Come on,Kid. Of course they won't." Liz sighed. Patti giggled. "Maybe they have girraffes !" She suggested. Chiisana just smiled. "Maybe." She giggled,starting to run. The three guys blinked,seeing how bright she just smiled. They didn't even felt their cheeks reddening up. "She's so cute…" Ameno mumbled. "You don't say…" Akeno agreed. "Look,she's not cute,she's beautiful…" Kid said.

"I heard that !" Patti laughed. "Huh ?" The three blinked. Liz winked. "Chiisana-san ! I have news !" She yelled. Chiisana stopped then turned. "Yep ?" She blinked. The three started freaking out. "Please,don't tell her we said that !" They pleaded.

"Well,in one condition." Liz said. "What is it ?" They asked. "Nothing,Chiisana ! Forget it !" Liz said. Chiisana shrugged then continuede "Back to the conditions…" Akeno said. "Give me stuffed girraffes !" Patti giggled. "And treat us lunch." Liz said. The three sighed. "Okay okay. Deal." Ameno said. "You two…" Kid pouted. "I'll handle lunch. You twins handle Patti's girraffe stuff toy." Kid said.

"Aye aye,captain !" They chuckled,doing a soldier salute. "Good !" Liz laughed. "Yaaaaay~! Girraffe girraffe~" Patti giggled. They just shrugged then went to the Death room.

"Hello hello !" Lord Death greeted. "Hi Lord Death." Everyone replied. "So… Father. Why are we called in your office ?" Kid asked. "Well. I just want to inform you about her past. I think we'll just take her DNA then wait for the results." Lord Death said.

"Ow !" Chiisana groaned,looking behind. Everyone looked at Spirit,who just took a strand of Chiisana's hair. "Got it." Spirit chuckled,inserting it in a small plastic bag. "What the hell are you gonna do with that ?" Ameno asked. "Well… DNA's need personal belongings,so here. Hair can be useful to." Spirit laughed,passing it to Lord Death.

"In the meantime,Kid. You have to handle the masquerade ball for the annual celebration of the school. It'll be this friday,right ? It's already wednesday." Lord Death said. Kid just nodded. "We'll fix everything after the students leave the school." Kid bowed.

"Can we help ?" Chiisana asked. "Sure !" Patti joined. Kid just smiled. "Sure. Maka and the others will be there too."

"Okay then. That's all. Off you go." Lord Death used his huge white hands to shoo us off. We just politely greeted then left.

We went to our seats,then continued listening to the class. When class ended,Maka and the others headed to the dance hall. "Wow… This is the first school I got enrolled in with a dance hall !" Chiisana looked around in amazement. "Well,that's how it is." Akeno shrugged. "Oooookay,so… The teachers are busy with the program plans. So the designs of this room will be handled by us 10. Make it symmetrical !" Kid smiled. "Me and Soul will fix the tables." Maka smiled. "Uhm… I guess me and Blackstar will help Maka and Soul." Tsubaki smiled also. "The stage's ours." Liz said. Chiisana blinked. "Well… I guess the three of us will handle the curtains and the clothing on the ceiling for design." She shrugged. Everyone nodded then went to their work.

Chiisana took a ladder then placed it on the stage,holding a red curtain. "Careful,Chii !" Akeno said. "Don't look up ! I'm wearing a dress,you morons !" Chiisana yelled. The twins blushed then agreed,then looked somewhere else. They were doing the curtains on the stage. Kid and his pistols were below,planning the whole dance hall.

Chiisana successfully placed the curtains. She jumped down,then took a chair cause the windows aren't that high. Kid went to them,looking at the window. "Hey Chii,are you sure about that ? Why are you the one doing that ?" He asked.

"The twins can't stand on high platforms cause they don't like heights. So I'm placing this here,and they will insert those curtains in poles so it'll be easy to put them here." She smiled,taking a curtain from Ameno. "Well… I don't think you can reach that…" Kid blinked.

Chiisana sighed then tip-toed to place the curtain on the window. But her height isn't enough to reach the thing. Kid sighed. "You'll fall if you continue on doing that. Really." Kid warned. Chiisana just laughed. "Trust me,I won't." She chuckled,stoping and looking down at him. Kid just shrugged.

"Hey Chii. We're out of curtains. We'll just go back to that corner where curtains were placed then take a bunch,okay ?" Akeno smiled. "Sure sure." Chiisana nodded. Akeno and Ameno left.

Chiisana sighed,tip-toeing again to place the curtain. "Here,let me help you." The chair has a lot of space so Kid stepped on with Chiisana,taking the curtain. He was about to place it when the chair moved,panicking both.

"W-wha !" Chiisana squeaked,absent-mindedly hugging Kid's waist as she looked below. Kid automatically took her with one arm,making sure no one would fall. The chair finally stood still,making them sigh in relief.

"That was close..." Kid mumbled,looking at Chiisana. Chiisana looked back up,blinking. Then they both realized two things.

One,they're hugging each other.

Two,they're faces were an inch apart.

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