Chapter Two

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I sat down at my usual spot at Matt's dining room table. Laid in front of me was a large array of food. All of Matt's favourites...we really must e celebrating something. Everyone was dressed ten times better than our normal relaxed attire so it made me wonder what this announcement was.

We all chatted while eating, it was a usual Friday ritual. I could see Matt staring at me from the corner of my eye, he looked slightly anxious. "Everything okay?" I asked turning my head to face him. "Perfect" he replied flashing me one of his famous smiles, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

As soon as dinner was over, we all made our way down to Matt's basement which had been rearranged to host a party. There was sound equipment at the back wall, where a DJ had set up, along with a large snack table and plenty of room to dance. I admired the set up before I was knocked from my thoughts by the ringing of the doorbell. The guests had arrived. I mentally prepared myself for what was to come,

A group of teenagers, whom I didn't recognise due to my lack of social status in comparison to Matt, crowded down into the basement. The girls dressed in the shortest dresses known to man-kind. I turned away and rolled my eyes.

After about 30 minutes Matt's basement was full of dancing teenagers. I stood in the corner of the room alone, my fear of large crowds left me alone in many a situation. I saw Matt make his way through the crowd towards me and a smile immediately spread across my face. "Hey" he shouted over the booming music. "Hi" I replied smiling. "You feeling okay? I mean I know you don't like crowds" his face read concerned as he placed his hand on my arm cause my palms to start sweating nervously at his touch. I just nodded, smiling as I was unable to formulate words. "I better go" he smiled, I felt my heart drop. "Don't leave the party, stay till the end cause I need to talk to you" he wrapped his arms around me and left.

As I watched him leave, something across the room caught my eye. Hanging on the wall was the picture of Matt and I. It was taken on our first day of 5th Grade and as usual we couldn't just smile for a photo.

*5 years ago*

"C'mon guys time for a photo" my mom called as she ushered Matt and I in front of her. Matt placed his arm around my shoulder and looked me straight in the eye and I could tell what he was thinking. I just nodded.

"Okay on the count of, two, three" my Mom smiled before snapping the photo. And before she could stop us Matt and I had already pulled our usual silly faces. Just before she could give out and make us take another photo, the school bus pulled up at the stop.

"Bye mom" I giggled running off as I raced Matt to the bus to get a window seat.

*Present Time*

I smiled a I reminisced on the past. I was interrupted by the feed back of one of the microphones. I turned my head to see Matt standing at the top of the room mic in hand.

"Hey guys" he said flashing one of his goofy smiles that made my heart flutter. "So I guess y'all are wondering what this big announcement is" he chuckled. A group of jocks hollered and hooted at the back of the room causing his infectious laugh to echo around the room. "Well as you all know by now I've been making vines for about eight months now and I've been getting some recognition for it" people began to cheer again and I just smiled because I was so proud of all he had achieved lately.

"Well you see, I got a call the other day from a guy named Bart, and he told me that he had this event called Magcon" Matt scratched the back of his head. He was nervous. "And it's an event that helps the fans meet YouTubers and Viners and well he wants me to go on tour with them" Matt grinned. The whole room erupted but I just stood there.

I was in shock.

He was leaving.

Tours are generally for long periods of time.

I felt the breath hitch in my throat. Matt was my only friend and he was leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2014 ⏰

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