The Prince

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This is still set in modern-ish times because I'm not fantastic with period (old timey) role plays.

(The personality is edited slightly because I started roleplaying him differently than I'd written him.)

Name: Anna III (Yep, it's a unisex name.)
Nickname: Prince, Sir, literally-anything-but-Anna
Age: a year older than your character
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: however you want him to look, lol (I'm awful at descriptions like this. Everyone ends up looking the same. So, it's up to your 🌈imagination🌈.)
Personality: He's rather aware that he's Royal and rich and basically better than everyone. He does however, have manners ingrained in him from being raised the way was- save face, don't offend, etc. He doesn't think much of others, but he would never show or say that directly. He can come across as pretty polite, but he's probably talking trash in his head. This can make him sound fake, but it's mostly his upbringing to blame.
Background: He was born into royalty (hence the prince), but his parents don't approve of his attitude, so they've sent him to live amongst *gasp!* commoners. His father is sick and dying, so they want Anna to have fixed his behavior before he takes rule.
Strengths: confident, educated, generous (when it pleases him)
Weaknesses: insensitive, arrogant, can't do much for himself
Others: He actually has little knowledge of what goes on in the real world.

Scenario 1: Your parents volunteered to take in Anna while he lives amongst his people. The king and queen offered a payment to whoever would take him in, and you guys need the money. He's arriving shortly, and your mother is having you help make things presentable. You soon hear the sounds of his arrival.

Scenario 2: One of the youth of the town was chosen to be Anna's buddy, guide, escort, whatever you want to call it. The king and queen want Anna to change his ways, but they also don't want him getting hurt or in trouble, so..a guide. Long story short (in true, destiny-fiction fashion) you were chosen! Now you're stuck with the snob until he goes back home. Today's the day you're supposed to begin, and you're waiting at the marketplace for him.

(If anyone wants a girl to Roleplay with, let me know.)

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