All of me (Sebaciel story)

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hello its Sebaciel10383 if you listen to the song all of me I think it goes good with this pairing this takes place in season 1 after the jack the ripper case.Anyway enjoy the story :)

(Ciels POV )

I felt the suns rays through my eyes as a soft voice says " it's time to wake up Young master"

"5 more minutes" I moan and roll over. "Now, now Young master we would not want to keep lady Elizabeth waiting would we". I could just feel the smirk on Sabastian face as I sat up. I completely forgot Elizabeth was coming over today.

"Todays tea is earl grey" Sabastian says. After I drink my tea  Sabastian changes me his hand slightly brushed against my thigh and I can feel my face heat up. after I head down stairs to a waiting Elizabeth.

"CIEELLLLL I can hear her all ready she runs up and hugs me with a tight grip. After a few moments she lets go and questions"Can we eat outside to day its very nice out?"

I think for a second and then say "sure why not".

" Yaaaaaayyy" Elizabeth pulls my arm outside and I can hear Sabastians

footsteps heading to the kithen to make food. Something inside me does not want Sabastian to leave but I just brush it off.

Me and Elizabeth arrive at a tree and sit under itwaiting for Sabastian to bring food."So Ciel what do you want for Valentines day its in a couple weeks". I think and get a great idea. " I want whatever you want to do" I reply. "aaaahhhhh" Elizabeth says.

Just then Sabastian walks up and says "Today we have cinnamon curry bread with tea". Sabastian places the plate in front of us then I take the first bite. "its delicous" surprised myself that I gave Sabastian a compliment.

"thank you Young master" Sabastian replied with a grin.

After we finish we head inside and Elizabeth says "its getting late I should leave ". Elizabeth turneds around gives me a quick kiss and leaves in a hurry. I turn around to see Sebastian with A jealous look in his eyes. I giggle a bit and it take Sebastian out of his trance.

We both head upstairs and I get ready for bed. As Sabastian starts to leave I say "stay with me tonight". He turns around and says "yes my lord" with a surprised look.

I say "you can lay on the bed". Sabastian looks a little taken back my actions. But he lays on the bed anyway. I find myself with my head on his chest he does not shake me off or move then I drift off into sleep.

sorry for any errors if you want more vote and give me some ideas. for now by my KITTENS.

All of me (Sebaciel story)Where stories live. Discover now