Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Deodorants. Hershey's. Vitamin C. Cheetos. Spongebob alarm clock. Catsup packets from Mcdonald's. Cosmo magazine, he seriously just bought that 'cause Stella's the cover girl, pathetic. KitKat.

What a nightstand. And I thought he was on a diet...

I was in Nick's room waiting for him to finish preparing lunch. He invited me over 'cause he's having a dilemma over what appetizer, main course, and dessert to serve Stella. In all honesty, I don't really care whatever he serves Stella.

I was looking at the photographs that were neatly hanging on his wall.

Baby pictures. Graduation portraits. Family pictures. What caught my eye the most though, was a picture of Nick and I.

I can still vividly remember when this was taken... it was last year during the grand opening of his new restaurant. And, of course, he hired me as the official event photographer. The restaurant became an instant hit! When people heard about it they started coming in groups! Anyways, back to the photo, all the guests already left and it was just Nick and I. He was giving me a tour of the restaurant...


"What do you think?"

"It's amazing, Nick! I love the place!"

Everything looked amazing! The chairs, the tables, the linens, the food! Everything was... perfect.

"Hey, Nicole?"

I turn around just to be met by a pair of blindfolds.

"NICHOLAS! ARE YOU KIDNAPPING ME?!" He just laughed. He just freaking laughed!

"Don't worry, Nicolette. I won't kidnap you! I'll just take you to my evil lair!" he did that evil laugh which I always found funny because he can never perfect it. And it doesn't match him, he's just too chubby and cute!

"ooh, I'm frightened!" I faked horror and I heard him laugh again.

After a few minutes of walking we stepped outside the restaurant and onto a grassy area, which I'm assuming, is the garden. I was the one who told him to add a small garden at the back for couples who were going on dates and all that.

"Stay here." I simply nodded my head and he walked away. I heard him talk to someone, which I assume was the waiter. "Now."

And at that exact moment a waiter removed my blindfold. I blinked a few times adjusting to the light and when everything was clear enough I took a good look of my surroundings. Rose petals, candles, inscents, the garden looked breathtaking.

As I was gawking at the wonderful lights a violinist came out from behind the tree.

"What's happening?" I asked confusion written all over my face.

"Turn around."

I did as I was told and I was met by Nick in a cute tuxedo holding out a bouquet of my favorite flowers, forget-me-not. I couldn't help but smile. He moved towards me with that handsome smile on his face.

"My Lady." He held my hand and gently kissed it. "For you." He gave me the flowers and I hid my face behind them to hide the blush creeping up. "Shall we?"

I smiled at him and we walked towards the table near the pond.

"This is wonderful. I'm just not sure if my attire fits the dress code." I didn't look as fancy as he did, but it'll do.

"You look perfect." and there goes another blush.

I stopped and turned to look at him, "Wait, what's all this for?"

"A thank you treat. For being the most amazing friend a fat guy like me can have."

We took our seat and a few minutes later the waiter came with our meal. We talked about everything and anything. I was full! I don't know if my tummy can take dessert anymore. After a while, the waiter placed a dish in front of me and I was curious as to what it has in store for me.

"I want you to try the new addition to the menu."

"Ooh, what is it called?"

"Open it."

I lifted the silver cover and my favorite dessert of all time, made by my best friend, was staring right back at me! Chocolate-strawberry ice cream cake with fresh strawberries. I couldn't peel my eyes off of it. It looked... perfect.

"Smile!" Click.

"Nick! Delete that!" I can't believe he just took a candid shot of me! I must've been drooling!

"No. Now smile. I want a picture of us." He went to my side and lifted the camera up, "By the way, it's called Berry ala Nicolette." I looked at him and at that moment I knew that whatever I'm feeling for him is real. He just named a dish after me. "Smile, Nic!"



"Nicole! Lunch is ready!"


On my way out I noticed his calendar... wow, he really is stoked for this date.


Ew. He added small hearts. Okay, that is just gross.

I walk out of the room with a huge smile on my face, for two reasons, one, was because of that funny calendar mark he had; and two, because he kept a picture of us in his room.

I walked in the dining room to see the table full of food! All recipes from A to Z you name it, its on the table!

"Is the President coming? What's with all the food?"

"I need your help I haven't finalized my menu for Saturday. And that's three days from now!"

"Nick, calm down." I let out a long breath, this will take all night. "Let's get started if you want to finish early. I've got an appointment tomorrow morning."

"Oh, okay. Well then, let's do this!"


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