Twelve | Leroy

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A/N: To everyone I lied to about updating this book 3 months ago, 6 months ago, 1 year ago... I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to leave you hanging for so long. I don't have a good excuse. I just have ADHD, and it's hard to motivate myself to work on older projects when there are much newer and much shinier projects that make the brain go brrr.

Anyway, I'm back now, and I do apologize if I disappear for a couple of weeks again, but I've spent far too long on this book to not finish it, so I will keep working on it till the day I die, and you can trust me on that. I'm actually doing live readings in my Discord server to encourage myself to keep going, because having a live audience and being asked directly whether there will be a reading next week motivates me more than anything else. Sometimes life just gets in the way. Either way, I'm really happy to finally be working on this book again. I've missed these characters.

Warning: you might notice a bit of a style change in a couple of chapters. (Patreon is 2 chapters ahead, so the most recent chapter I finished is actually chapter 14.) I'm trying to keep the writing somewhat consistent so it's not too jarring, but I've grown a lot as a writer in the past 2 years, so don't be surprised if the writing feels different.

Also, as a little refresher, in case you don't feel like rereading: in the last chapter, Trae and Leroy were feeling antsy because a couple of werewolves showed up on their territory, so they go out to find traces of them in town, with no success. After their fruitless search, they go home, and Mae tries to ask Trae out on a date. He has to turn her down because it's too dangerous right now. And speak of the devil: right after the call ends, the werewolves are back . . .

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The urgency in Trae's voice was enough to make me run outside, and the moment I stepped out into the backyard, I understood why. I could smell them. Two werewolves, one male and one female. I moved closer to my brother and muttered, "Well, if it isn't the bitch again. What does she want?"

"How the hell should I know?"

I shrugged and peered at the trees, taking deep breaths to calm myself, because if there was something that screams "attack me," it would be the smell of fear. I didn't really want to fight two shifted werewolves in my human form. Despite my efforts, I still flinched when they finally appeared. The male wolf was huge, and the female, despite being only half his size, looked terrifying. There was murder in her eyes.

Trae decided to be a dumbass and said, "Good evening."

The male huffed.

"Can you shift?" I asked. "It'd be a lot easier to talk."

The female trod off reluctantly, leaving the other wolf to silently watch us. Ten minutes later, she reappeared at the edge of the woods, her body a blemish of white against the dark green trees behind her. Any other time, I would have been distracted by her nakedness, but she was not a woman now; she was a hostile wolf.

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