Voices Everywhere

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One fine day I woke up to my friend Dominic's call, as I picked up my phone the first thing he said was,"Did you know that carrots can eat rabbits but rabbits can't eat carrots ?? hmm .... so what do carrots eat ? maybe they......" I don't know what he said next cause I hung up on him and went back to sleep. After a few peaceful minutes of sleep, I was woken up by the sound of my  'crazy old witch laughing' doorbell which apparently can not be replaced [thanks, landlord :)]. I opened the door looking like a sleepy potato covered in my blanket. My blanket dropped as soon as I saw Dominic was standing there fully suited holding a bagel in one hand and a cup of Costa on the other. Picking up my blanket I said,"It's 5:00 am whats up with you dude?'' he replied saying,"I was gonna get you a bagel too but you decided to hang up on me". He started talking about random bullshit again ignoring the look I was giving him. After a few minutes, he asked me to get ready for work as we have a special meeting at 6:00 am which he 'forgot' to tell me about last night when we were having drinks together at a bar.

While I was still in my element of sleep, Dom left saying,"I gtg, meeting up people.. see ya later alligator" I didn't reply to that but was still trying to guess who he was going to meet at 5:15 am. I didn't bother much about it and got into the shower, I heard a utensil fall while showering, I guessed it was Dom pranking me cause he wouldn't just come over to tell me about the office meeting and his meeting he could've messaged me instead. I shouted from the shower asking him to stop messing around and leave my place but I got no reply, so I ran out to my kitchen which seemed to be perfectly normal and there was nothing on the floor so I went back to the shower and got dressed in the next 10 minutes. As I was about to leave my place I saw a small note lying under my keys, picking it up I read out loud,"BOOO!! o.o" I smirked and tossed the note into the bin thinking how more kiddish Dom could get. I got into my car, checking the time in my Rolex which showed that I had around 7 mins to reach my workplace, I turned the radio on and reached my office in 5 mins listening to 'i just want a roley roley roley...'

*About Dominic Morello*

Age: 23 years old

Status: Stays single but is never alone ;)

Hobbies: Soccer, Clubing, and Dj-ing

Appearance: A pale confident looking man with black hair like David Beckham and a streak of brown hair on his right side which somehow syncs perfectly with his hazel eyes and he is suited 90% of the time.


As soon as I reached my office, I saw Dominic waiting for me at the door. I gave him a small shoulder push while crossing him as I walked into my office followed by Dominic. I asked him about his 'meeting' which I later regretted cause he didn't stop talking for an hour almost even though I didn't listen to anything he said after the first 5 mins. I left my workplace early cause feeling sick. I jumped on my bed as soon as I reached home, sent a text to Dom asking him to get me a few medicines before coming to my place later today. I went to take a nice long nap which lasted only for 30 mins until I was woken up by the noise of someone dragging steel chains on the floor, I guessed Dom was planning to prank me cause what better than pranking your sick bestfriend!! I wanted to take revenge from him for the utensils throwing in the morning so I decided to turn it around and played along for now as I asked who was making the noise....... *no reply*. I decided to check the room from where the noise was coming, the volume of the noise started to decrease as I came close to the small room from where it was coming which was gone after I opened the door and the room had nothing extra or nothing that could possibly be making that noise. I decided to go back to bed and complete my nap but, fate had something else planned for me as I heard a glass break in my kitchen, I rushed to check what broke and I saw millions of glass pieces spread all across my kitchen. I was extremely pissed and ended up shouting at the top of my voice,"Come out whoever you are and I swear if it's you, Dom ..... I'm gonna kill you!!!" suddenly I silhouette of a man running towards my bedroom I chased it with all my courage hoping to catch a 'person' but it vanished into thin air as soon as I reached my room. I was shaking and shivering in terror, losing all my senses one by one, my head spinning more than fidget spinners. At this point of time, I had a bunch of stuff going on in my head but one thing was certain... Dom wasn't doing this to me, if he was after looking at my current condition he would've stopped. I was shouting at the top of my voice,"Come out whoever yo..." when I got interrupted by the evil witch doorbell which gave me the chills because of this situation. As I slowly walked towards my door with a pan in my hand, I noticed the silhouette of the same man was back and was circling around in my living room mumbling something which sounded something like a prayer. Dropping the pan I ran towards my door only to see an empty corridor, my sweat was making puddles on the floor as I sat there with no energy left in my legs to even stand. I gained some courage in the next few mins and with a bit of adrenaline rush I tried to attack the silhouette but it was gone leaving a scent. I started taking deep breaths and realized if Dominic was actually behind all this then he would be watching me right now, he wouldn't miss this 'fun' for anything so I decided to call him assuming he is dumb enough to forget to switch his phone to silent mode and was hiding somewhere in my place. Picking up the call he said,"whats up dude?" I managed to speak normally and asked him how his day was at the office to which he replied,"DUDE!! do you even listen to me?? I told you in the morning that I'm gonna be with a girl at the movies and a mall later" acting like I forgot about it I asked him to come home soon and hung up. Drinking a glass of water, I was trying to scientifically breakdown the reason for the appearance of the silhouette so I could calm down and believe that it wasn't a ghost afterall. After a couple of mins and glasses of water, Dom reached and said,"Bro! someone peed on your doormat" giving him a look I lied saying that it was the annoying neighbor's dog, we both laughed just before I got super serious and started narrating the whole story to him as soon as I felt calm enough to talk about it, after I was done narrating the whole story to him i asked him,"did you do this?" to which he replied with a smirk,"I like how you used up your time to make such a 'believable' story just to find out if I rang your bell and ran away" listening to this I paused for a few seconds and laughed like a maniac and ended up saying,"I was free all day what else did you expect from me?". The day finally came to an end with Dominic and I sitting on my couch, eating popcorn and binge watching the whole Star Wars series.

Till this day, I don't know if that was a super costly prank that Dominic planned out from top to bottom, used holograms and speakers for the effects and went too far with it or was it actually a Phantom !!

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