Refrigerator Notes

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Welcome! Nothing can be as delighting as a reader who has stumbled upon this humble collection of musings.

Please keep your expectations low, but your standards high. Let us think like our lives depended on it.

1. I need to get into shape. The question is, what shape? Do I just gradually progress into this rotundness that I can glimpse? Or should I go for the cyclist's physique: not suitable for hurricanes, but will probably suit most weather situations.

2. I tried reading videogame fanfiction these past few days. Somehow, maybe because I am a newbie to these "universes," I can't help thinking most of them were written during wild-mind-drives. I do understand the thrill of writing fiction with videogame music on: you are compelled to get to the end.

3. How long will this series of experimental musings last? Will I tire of reading what I previously wrote and not get inspired to write more? "How do you keep writing?" That is a question I would have asked Robert Shields.

4. When you say "just saying" after a comment, doesn't it defeat the whole purpose? Just saying.

5. John Mayer once said that explaining his obsession with watches will take "a lot of poetry." I'm thinking of using that phrase when I get stuck with trying to come up with an explanation. Some day I will be asked to give some justification and I will just say "well you know, it's gonna take a lot of poetry to explain this..."

6. Ever heard of the guy who tried to smuggle cigarettes into jail using his ass? What a wise crack!

7. Understanding is good, and maybe to some extent it is better than knowledge.

8. So many things to do, even my "to do" is now a "to do," and even things i have done I must also note that I have done.

9. Got an idea for a band name: The Knew Nothing. The first album title will be: The Nothing New.

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