Chapter 11 sorry I haven't been updating

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Naruko appeared in front of Neji, and Sasuke. They weren't fight at all. Not even the hint of bickering. That was good. If I had found out they crossed me, oh, they would wish I was Anko and Ibiki torturing them instead.

Anyway, I had three bowls with me, both filled with trail-mix and berries. "Hey! You didn't bicker whatsoever! Good thing you didn't cross me, or else there would've been no mercy." I threatened with a sickly sweet smile. They both trembled under my gaze. I let out a giggle, and I set down the three bowls, but I kept one in my hand.

"Eat, I didn't bring three just for me. It's not ramen." They each grabbed a bowl, Neji grabbed the bowl with more berries, and Sasuke grabbed the one with more trail-mix. "I was wondering. Are you lying about not bickering?" I asked with a glint of savagery in my eyes. "N-no! We didn't fight whatsoever! W-we were just talking!" Neji was waving his hands in front of him, in a gesture of worry.

"Oh, alrgiht! But, remember, I'll have no mercy for you." My tone was sweet, but dangerous at the same time. "H-hai!" They both hugged each other and trembled violently. "Eat. Now." I ordered. They both started shoving the contents into there mouths desperately. I sniffed the air surrounding them. "Was, Kiba just here? It smells like dogs." They both nodded. "Oh! He must be hiding behind that tree!"

I pointed at a tree nearby. "Come here, Kiba! We'll share some with you if you want!" He peeked around the tree, trembling. "Come here. Now." I commanded. He ran/walked over and took a seat next to Sasuke. "Would you like some? Please, have some!" I said cheerfully. "A-alright." Kiba grabbed a raspberry, and he popped it into his mouth like a cocktail-weenie.

"Good, right? They're a rare kind of raspberries, they're ten times sweeter than a regular raspberry!" He nodded his head in delight. He started grabbing for another one, but I slapped his hand away before he could touch one. "Ask." He swallowed the raspberry in his mouth. "May I please have another one?" I grabbed one gently, and I handed him one. "Thanks." I nodded, and I gave him a eye-smile.

"Good that you like them, 'cause you're eating the rest." He sputtered and choked on the raspberry and looked at me in shock.

I just gave him my sweetest smile.

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