Chapter 14 (Real one)

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I'm a idiot. Maybe because of my subconcious fear of Naruko made me write Naruko instead of Tenten! Why did I even except Tenten's feelings in the first place!? Well. One girl is happy as can be, while the other is probably ripping up pictures of me. I sighed, and I went to my room. I tried to compose myself before Tenten came. "Hi! Neji-Kun! Where shall we be going today?" I smiled at her lovingly. "Let's go on a walk!" We left the resort hand-in-hand. Well, this isn't too bad.

•Naruko POV•

As I ran through the forest, tears pooling through my eyes, I arrived at the town. Everybody looked my way. I tried my best to cover up the tears that were continuously dripping down my face. "Naruko? Are you okay!" A familiar voice was heard, and Kiba came crashing through. I looked up at him, my eyes crinkling up as another downpour of tears came rushing out.

He hugged me suddenly. I didn't reject it, but I didn't accept it either. Tears staoned his coat, and Akamaru's fur. "I-I'm fine. I just need some time alone." He looked reluctant to leave me alone, but obeyed. I walked through town, smelling the delicous foods from different resturants. Then, I saw a mob of purple hair. "Hello, Hinoto." He practically jumped put of his pants. "N-Naruko! D-don't scare me l-like that!" Then he looked like he just remebered something.

"Hey, why aren't you with Neji? You usually are. Did something happen? I saw him going on a date with Tenten earlier." He pointed towards a random direction. "W-what?" Hearing Tenten in this conversation made me want scream. He has been cheating on me with Tenten. He didn't want to get caught cheating, and chose to break up with me. "Oh... Well, I'll be going now. See you at the resort." "Bye, Naruko-Chan!" He called cheerfully. Tears had started to pool down my face once more.

"Why aren't I good enough for you?" I clenched my fist until blood began to draw. "Oh my! Sweetheart! You're bleeding! What happened?" A lady came up to me and grabbed my hand and put pressure on it to stop the bleeding. "I fell. I must be going, I have somewhere to be." I started to leave, when the woman grabbed my wrist. "Please, you must be properly bandaged up, I don't want a child going around and getting a infection." I sighed and nodded, and I followed the overly kind woman to her home.

"I'm home! And we have a guest!" She called into the house. "Thank you ma'm, but I need to be going soon." "Oh no, you must stay for dinner, you haven't eaten anything have you?" In response my stomach growled. I nodded my head shyly, and she giggled a little. "Well, my name is, Kawazami Moimiochi. Please, make yourself at home while I get some bandages." I nodded, and I observed the home. "Hmm? Who're you?" A boy asked rudely. "Kimikoi! Don't be rude to our guest! She's injured!"

Kawazami called. "Sorry mom." He mumbled. "Introduce yourself!" He huffed and crossed his arms in a way a 4-year-old would. "The name's Kimikoi Moimiochi." He muttered, but I could hear him. "My name is Naruko Uzumaki." He turned to the stairs, and he yelled for someone to come down and introduce themself to me. They both had brown hair like their mother, but Kimikoi had blue eyes, and the other boy had green eyes. "Hi, my name is, Chioma Moimiochi, nice to meet you!"

He blushed a little, and his hands started to fidget with each other. "My name is, Naruko Uzumaki." He twiddled his fingers a bit and took glances at me. "Alright boys, and girls, let's have some dinner. I'll go get your sister." Kawazami-San walked upstairs, and came down with a moody girl. A lot like Sakura. "Ugh, who is she!" She rudely pointed at me. "Introduce yourself, don't be so rude!" Kawazami-San scolded.

"Ugh, fine. My name's Kimyoya Moimiochi." She glared at me, and she was totally a slut. Or a whore if you'd like to call her that. "My name
Is Naruko Uzumaki." We all sat down to eat dinner, when a boy with black hair came running down the stairs. "C'mon you-who's this?" He blushed slightly. "Come, sit down and introduce yourself." "My name is Kira Diachio." "My name is Naruko Uzumaki." He blushed once again when he heard my voice, and sat down next to me.

"So, Naruko-Chan-" she was interuppted when a obviously drunk man crashed through the door, and stumbled over to the table. "Who is this 'ittle bitch." He slurred. He reached over and grabbed my wrist. "I didn' say we could have gues' over did I." He grabbed Kawazami-San, and threw her to the ground. "Get away from her!" Kimikoi rushed to his mother's side, to only find himself getting kicked in the stomach. "Get away from my brother and mother!!" Chioma immediatley rushed over to his mother. He was punched in the face.

Kira suddenly charged at him, to only to suffer the same fate. Kimyoya was crying, and she was curled up in a ball. "Imma have some fun withya' ya 'ittle bitch." He grabbed my breast and fondled them. "NO!!" I screamed as loud as I could, and I dropped kicked him. Kimyoya came out of her ball, and crawled over to her mother. "Oh, my dear little girl. I'm so sorry." She whispered apologies to her daughter, and Kira, Chioma, and Kimikoi asked if I was okay, and if I wanted one of them to walk me.

"I'm fine, and, Kimikoi can come." The other two sulked in the corner, while Kimikoi gave me a toothy grin. "Let's go, I'm sure they can recover on their own. Wait, can you get rid of him?" He pionted at the man who almost raped me. "Of course." I grabbed his ankles, and took out rope from one if my seals. And I did the same to his wrist. I swung him over my shoulder, and we started to walk to the resort we were staying at. "So you're a shinobi?" I nodded. Then, suddenly, I felt someone groping my butt.

I dropped the man, and kicked him
Where the sun-don't-shine. "He was groping me." I kicked him one more time, and he knocmed out from the pain. His pain receptors couldn't take it.

•Time Skip•

"Welp, we're here. Thank you for walking me." I bowed. "No problem, you helped us, so we help you. Well, we didn't really help you, did we. Well, whenever you need something, come to us!" Kimikoi walked off with a smile plastered on his face, and I smiled slightly. "I'll take you up on that." I whispered to myself. When I walked into the resort, everybody was discussing where I would be. "Ugh, she has to be somehwhere. Is there any other place besides the forest that she could be?"

"I could be right here." Everybody jumped up and got into a fighting position. "Oh, Naru-Chan, where have you been?" Neji asked in a worried tone. "None of your business." I answered coldly. "Well, I'm going to bed, goodnight everyone. See ya tomorrow." Everybody said their goodnights, and I waited until I heard 14 doors closed, and snores were heard before leaving my room. I dragged the man outside, and into the forest. This would scar him for the rest of his stupid pointless life.

"I'll come check up on you tomorrow. Don't go anywhere." I made sure that everything was tight, and nothing was loose lest he escapes. "There. Now you'll be here until I get bored if you." I walked away, and his muffled screams slowly faded away. I chuckled to myself, and I rammed into someone. "What're you doing out here so late, Naruko?" A familiar voice asked. Wait... It's..

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