I'm not going to be queen.

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My dull purple eyes slowly open as I hear something yelling at something else...
"I want a pink throne!"
"No I want the throne to be blue, pink washes my scales out!"
"but blue just fits in with the background, OH! no wonder you've never had a manfriend!"
As I slowly get up from my clamshell bed I rub my eyes to see my twin sisters, Mahni and Lahni arguing. For some reason in my room.
I slurrishly ask them, "Why are you in my room arguing?"
they both stop arguing and turn their heads to me, "What colour do you think the throne should be for our coronation to be queens,"
Lahni asks before Mahni can utter a word. I pointed out the obvious and asked, "Won't you both get your own thrones? Besides your coronations aren't for another 5 years." their eyes that were the same colour of their tails showed a sign of Oh yeah right but they quickly covered it up with sarcasm and Mahni said, "Well duh!" and she quickly swam out of my room followed by Lahni.
I rolled my eyes and went back the sleep, but after that argument I couldn't go back to sleep so I grumpily threw my covers up, and my private water sprite servants floated down with my silk purple jellyfish covers and neatly made my bed.
As I sat down on my coral styled stool my sprites swam to me and Aqua asked my in spritish, "How would you like your hair to be styled today Coralia?" I replied back in their ancient language, "Just brush it and leave my ears and antenna showing please." Aqua nodded to me and ordered​ her two younger sisters how I wanted my hair styled and they both nodded their heads and got to work.
After about 10 minutes of them brushing my thick purple hair they undid my antenna pin that holds them back while I sleep and my antenna floated up they were only about 6 inches long since I just had them trimmed. Aqua gently tucked my hair behind my ears and then asked me, "What would you like to wear today?" I told her just to grab my regular top that I usually wear on busy days because it is comfortable. Aqua and her sisters quickly disappeared and came out of my closet with a casual top that covered the top part of my body and then from the abdomen down to the beginning of my tail it was a clear-like cloth that you could see my stomach and when it reached my tail it separated into two purple flowing side tails.
As it slipped onto the skin part of my body Aqua nodded her tiny head in approvement.
as I walked into the dining room I saw my father eating his breakfast at the head of the table and on the other side I saw my mother eating across from him, they were talking about what was going on in the kingdom I swam to my mother and hugged her, she is a blue water nymph with a long tail and long thick hair like mine, So technically I am I half breed between a water nymph and a mermaid which is why my tail is longer than a regular mermaids tail and it is two colours instead of 1 at the top my tail is light purple and then it turns into a light​ lake foam blue, my sisters are all regular mermaids, but their mother passed away during her last birthing, I am the youngest of my siblings and my mother's only child. I swam over to my father and kissed his forehead, then I sat down in my light purple chair next to my mother's chair and ate breakfast, mermaids are vegetarians but water nymphs are omnivores so what was on my mothers plate and mine were different that what was on my father's. I ate with my parents and we talked a little bit during breakfast.
After breakfast I hugged my parents goodbye and left the security of my castle, followed by my water sprites of course.
as I passed through town the merfolk waved at my and little merchildren rode on my tail, water nymphs tail's are extremley strong so it was easy to transport them and play with them on my tail.
After I waved the children goodbye as they swam back to their parents my and my water sprites both were on my way to do what I came out of my castle to do, go to the surface.

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