The only spell possible...

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I woke up slowly facing a muscular chest. I smiled remembering what had happened last night.

Zachiriah slowly stirred awake and looked down at me and smiled. We connected lips as a good morning to each other.

I slowly got up and out of bed, Zachiriah did the same. As I went behind the island and looked into the cabinets for something we could both eat, I felt two muscular arms wrap around my waist, one arm stayed glued to my waist and the other arm slowly moved up and down my scaly bottom half of me. I felt a heat rise up to my cheeks, and I looked up. Zachiriah was sweetly looking down at me with a smile, my arms held his cheeks and I kissed him, the electric shock was still there, I was happy it hadn't left.

We finally found something we could both eat, seaweed rolled cooked bass. As we had our fill I took Zachiriah back to the lake we sadly said out goodbyes to each other through a kiss and I made my way to the witch's cavern.

After 20 minutes of hopless, lost, swimming I finally found a light in the distance. I slowly started to swim to the light but then I stopped. I got a warm feeling in my chest telling me to follow the light. As if I was puppeted my tail directed me to the light.

When I reached the light it moved. Into a small ravine. My tail then again, against my will, moved down the cavern and I saw A mermaid with long blue hair, a lavender purple tail and a staff. she gave me a smile that sent shivers down my spine...

"What is it you've been wanting?" she said in a silky smooth voice.

"A-are you the cavern witch?" I stuttered out.

"Yes my dear, although I only give potions and cast spells on those who are worthy for free, If you are not worthy these spells will come with a cost..."

"I see..." "I will do anything for my love..."

The sea witche's cold blue eyes seemed to soften.

"Then what do you wish to ask me?"

"Do you know if there is a potion or spell that will turn an... Animal, into a mermaid?"

Her eyes flickered with curiosity but she quickly covered them back to me with a blank stare.

"No I am sorry..."

I looked down and I felt tears come to my eyes, I tried not to cry but I couldn't help it. A tear floated up from my face, I didn't want to strip myself and the one I love from happiness... Zachiriah seemed to want this so badly.

The witch caressed my hair.

"But there is a spell that can turn you human."

I looked up, my eyes red and puffy from crying.

"H-how did y-you know?"

"My dear princess, I've always known that humans still existed..." "I also knew that you were in love with a human. Zachiriah was his name?"

I slowly nodded, I didn't even want to know how she knew this.

She smiled and said, "I deem you worthy of having this spell cast upon, but I need a lock of you hair and of this Zachiriah's hair. She then proceeded to hand me a sharp shell.

"How much do I need to cut off?"

She parted a small lock of my hair in her fingers. I put the shell up to my beloved hair and pushed through my hair. The shell split my hair easily. She grabbed the hair from me and told me, "Now go get hair from your beloved, and have him cut it with this exact hair, other wise the spell will not work." "The light will lead you back.

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