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Jimin P.O.V

"It honestly doesn't even matter that much, like he got it coming to him anyway!" I say turning back and head towards the doors, getting a little angry as I push the door open forcefully.

"That's not the point, now you are going to be in isolation! Like how are we even going to hang out?!" Yoongi replies trailing behind me as Hoseok does the same.

"Whatever. I've been there before nothing bad honestly."

As I head back into the corridor of the school, I hear a small scream behind me and a thud.

As I turn around I see Hoseok on the floor flailing and screaming.

I facepalm at the fact that he fell straight onto his back

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I facepalm at the fact that he fell straight onto his back. I immediately laugh and clench my stomach, trying not to laugh too hard.

"You shouldn't be laughing." I hear a voice behind me.

It was Heon woo with his arms crossed and had a really dull look on his face even though he was angry.

"You are coming with me. To discuss some matters." Heon woo says, grasping my arm harshly and pushes me forward into the corridor, leaving yoongi and screaming Hoseok behind.

They both watch as I'm being basically dragged into the principles office, before the door closes I turn around to see yoongi sarcastically judging me while Hoseok has fallen asleep beside him.

They both watch as I'm being basically dragged into the principles office, before the door closes I turn around to see yoongi sarcastically judging me while Hoseok has fallen asleep beside him

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Ji su P.O.V

As I enter the doorway and look through the next door's glass, that guy I saw before was making a gesture towards someone while someone else was asleep beside him.

He was completely on his back, fast asleep. How do you even do that?

As I grasp the door handle, one of them looks at me and gives me a weird look as I open the door quietly.

As I enter through the hallway smiling slightly, Taemin behind me, I walk past him. He stares at me as I walk back to the class.

"Hey! You!"
I hear him say behind me.

"Um yes?" I ask, turning around. "You know jimin right? Did he punch a teacher in the face?" The guy asks, smirking at me.

"Uh yeah. Was he your friend too?" I reply, Taemin still standing beside me, sniffing softly.

Taemin decides to leave so he says goodbye in sign language. I do the same.

"Yeah he's a good friend of mine, um why did he punch him exactly?" He asks, stepping closer to me, the guy still behind him asleep.

"Well dong woo was-" I feel a hand on my shoulder all of sudden.

I turn around to see Heon woo, with Jimin beside him, smirking to himself as he scans me down.

Heon woo slaps his arm lightly snapping him out of his trance

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Heon woo slaps his arm lightly snapping him out of his trance. I smile awkwardly and cover my face with my hair slightly, hiding my
Red cheeks.

"You saw what happened right? I need another point of view, so ji su what happened?" Heon woo asks, still forcefully holding jimins arm.

"Well dong woo was saying rude and horrible things to Taemin and then jimin got angry and punched him." I say, still hiding my shyness.

"Ahh same explanation as jimin. I hope this is true and you two are not lying to me. You both were right about the vodka and dong woo is now fired and is being escorted from the premises" Heon woo explains, jimin still staring at me dreamily.

"Jimin you will be out in isolation for 3 days and you need to complete missed work" He explains once again, pushing him forward towards the isolation room.

I sigh and look back at him. He was smirking as he got put in the isolation room. Taehyung suddenly arrives by my side, looking down at me.



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SCHOOL BOY || JIMIN || BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now