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Ji su P.O.V

As I look over to jimin, he glances at me smiles softly.

"I should actually probably
Go to be honest, my mom will kill me" yoongi says, waving and closes the door behind him.

We both sigh and look at each other once more.

He was so cute standing there in his now scruffy uniform.

"I need to go change... want to come with me?" Jimin says, putting his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Are you sure your parents won't be back until...?" I say not sure what he said earlier on.

"Weekend, you could just stay at mine for a couple of days can't you? Plus I think we are off for school tomorrow anyway, some staff meeting or something" jimin says, still holding my waist.

"Okay..." I mutter, walking up with him upstairs.

His whole house was so smug and warm, mine is but not as smug and homely as his.

As he opens his bedroom door, it was full of really cute plushies all lined up on a shelf and a couple of Korean drama posters.

His bed was a double and everything else was just... amazingly clean.

As he reaches for his wardrobe, he takes off his shirt and turns away.

I look away awkwardly because I wasn't sure if he wanted me to look.

"You can look you know..." Jimin says, turning to me without a shirt on.

"I know it's late and whatever but I love jumpers... which one? The beige one or the grey one?"

My heart was about to stop as he stood there with his shirt off.

He had the jumpers in each hand, waiting for an answer.

I see his abs for the first time... and I felt like I was going to faint.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" He asks, putting the jumper over his chest

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"Am I making you uncomfortable?" He asks, putting the jumper over his chest.

"No..no I'm just kind of... amazed?" I reply, hiding my face again.

"Oh! Aha! Yeah some people are surprised by that. Don't worry... you can look again" He says, taking the jumpers away to reveal his abs.

SCHOOL BOY || JIMIN || BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now