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Waking up to screaming had become the norm for me.

But not today.

Today was probably one of the worst days, not because there was screaming, but because it was just complete and utter silence. There wasn't the usual shouting that goes on in the dorms, there wasn't someone screaming from a nightmare of an anti hurting them, it wasn't Renjun screaming in pain from him making another cut.


It was just silent.

And I got scared when it was silent.

"Chenle, are you okay?" Renjun asked softly, wrapping an arm around me. He was laying behind me, since we slept together last night. I buried myself into his warmth, my face burying itself into his neck.

"Why is everything so quiet?"

"They left this morning. They didn't want to wake you up or make me leave you.

I nodded, sitting up. Renjun pulled me back down, kissing me softly. I felt my body warm up, leaving me feeling like I was in heaven. I love it when he kisses me.

Our hands wrapped around each other, pulling us closer and closer into each other's bodies as we kissed, i moaned softly into the kiss as he pushed me to the bed, kissing me with more force.

He pulled away from the kiss. "I love you," he whispered softly, kissing me on the forehead.

I rested my head on his chest, feeling my body fall into a peaceful slumber.

I love you too, Renjun.



so this is gonna be one of the few times that i give you guys a choice.




also, *shameless self promo*

please check out my jeno fanfic "the house of broken hearts and shattered dreams"

k i'm done and sorry the chapter is so short


「溺死 : drowning : renle」 Where stories live. Discover now