Chapter 9: Justice

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It was now getting to be nighttime in Zootopia, parked next to a warehouse but not close to get spotted, Nick came out of the car wearing a white short-sleeve t-shirt, black pants, a black police bulletproof vest and carrying his HK416. This is where it ends. Nick is going take on the lions responsible for Benjamin's death and wounded Judy. He started to walk towards the warehouse until


Nick turns around and see the two agents of the LFBA, Agent Breeze and Agent Russell walking up to him with their pistols out pointing at him.

"If you want to arrest me, then arrest me after I finish this." Said Nick.

"Not here to arrest you." Said Agent Breeze.

"Wait what?"

When Nick turned around confused of what Agent Breeze was talking about, Agent Breeze shot Nick in the left shoulder which made him shout in pain and fell to the ground. Nick was holding his wound trying to stop the bleeding with his hand while in serious pain. The two agents walked up to him staring at him. Agent Russell even had to kick the gun away from Nick so he wouldn't try to pick it up.

"Sorry about this, lad." Said Agent Russell as he stomps on Nick's head, knocks him out.

Later, Nick was trying to wake up from his unconsciousness. Everything was a blur but can hear noise. What woke him up were multiple gunshots. He noticed that he's rope tied up to a chair with his hands behind his back and he was still wearing his police bulletproof vest but his ammo and even guns are taken away from him. After the gunshots ended, his vision was getting better but slow. He manage to see a dead lion on the floor with a gunshot wound to the head which must be the same lion mercenary from the raid and then see Agent Breeze and Agent Russell cornering a dying black lion laying down on the floor with his back on the corner wall holding his stomach gunshot wound. It is the black lion who is the leader of the heist.

"S-So...this is how you're going to do this to fuckin' bastards!"

"It called 'Done'. Get used to it!" Said Agent Breeze. "The story is Detective Nick Wilde...went rogue trying to capture the Lion Robbers responsible for the deaths of Office Benjamin Clawhauser, Security Guards of Zootopia's Homeland Security and wounded his pregnant wife, Detective Judy Hopps...but was killed in torture by the lion mercenaries but agents of the LFBA did a raid and killed all lion mercenaries during a firefight but failed to stop and rescue Detective Nick Wilde."


"True. We needed you to get us the files these classified files you and yer men deserved to die anyway for what you did when you were doing Illegal Contracting."

"B-Back stabbing s-son motherfuckers!"

"Sorry about this...but No Loose Ends." Said Agent Russell as he finished the black lion off with two shots to the head and one shot to the chest.

"Alright we only got a few minutes before the bloody police shows up." Said Agent Breeze.

"Y-You fuckers planned this."

The two agents turn around and noticed that Nick is fully awake and angry when he know half the truth of them.

"I'm sorry lad." Said Agent Russell. "You see...we were under investigation by the Task Force of LFBA and your Homeland Security for working with arms dealers and a mafia family here in Zootopia and back in our homeland. We had to get those files so no one will know what our business was. We had to hire those four mercenaries to help us with the job. After my partner killed Officer Benjamin Clawhauser, me and the four mercs managed to raid the Homeland Security base and got the document. For their rewards, we allowed them to do a bank heist to rob the money that cannot be traced and we were going to split the money after the job was done. Everything was going as plan until you and your wife tried to bloody stop us...we had to deal with it..."

"Which is why I shot your wife." Said Agent Breeze. "I had to slow you two down so you won't get to the mercs who had our money. We tried telling you to back off the case at the hospital...but instead you didn't..."

"You should have just backed off when you had the chance."

"Waste the bastard while I get the files and the money." Said Breeze to her partner.

Breeze left the room to get the money and the files. Most likely to hide the money into their car and bring back the classified files. Nick was filled up with rage when he knows the entire truth...why his best friend, Benjamin is killed and why his wife is shot. All this mess was to cover up the two LFBA agents' plans. As Russell was about to execute Nick with Nick's Salient Arms International 1911, Nick manage to break free and have a knife in his hand, had it the whole time in his back pocket and used it to cut the rope to break free. He charged at Russell and stabbing him multiple times in the stomach and finally finished him off by stabbed him in the head killing Russell quickly. Nick's heart was racing but trying to keep calm and try to grab his pistol and get to Breeze before she come back but it was too late. Agent Breeze walked back into the room and sees the sight of what was going on so she draws out her sidearm which happened to be a standard issue Beretta 92F as she pointed it right at Nick with the intent to shoot him. But Nick took back his sidearm from Russell and shot her in the stomach causing her to lie on the ground bleeding and wounded. Nick stood up and walks up to Breeze while pointing his gun at her. He did however spits on Russell's dead body before walking towards Breeze.

"Y-You...r-really think killing us would make a damn difference?" Questioned Breeze while wounded.

Nick was not responding but was still talking to him.

"You're crooked disobeyed a direct order to stay off the case and went rogue to take justice into your own even murdered an unarmed suspect and...murdered two foreign federal agents...there's no happy ending for ya, lad. You won't even see your bunny wife again. Even if you keep me alive no one will ever believe you."

After what said, Nick executed him by putting three round to the dying lion's chest and one to the head. Nick had finally avenged his best friend Ben and Judy...but now's the time for the aftermath. The lion was right...there's not going to be a happy ending for Nick for what he has done. Nick heard multiple police sirens from outside. Nick drops the gun to the ground and starts to pull out his badge and starts to walk outside to the police.

"Police! Come out with your paws up!" The officers shouted out as they're about to raid the area when they had the whole place surrounded.

Seconds later, Nick came out of the building with one hand up and holding a ZPD badge while still feeling pain. The officers were surprised to see Nick who came out of the building.

"Nick?" Questioned the Tiger Detective. "Nick is that you?"

Nick hasn't said a word. Still looking emotionless and still have his right hand up while holding his badge. The police officers began to move in as they were looking around the scene noticing corpses everywhere. They then began to

"What the hell happened, Detective Wilde?" Asked the tiger detective.

Nick remain silence as the officer then placed him in handcuffs and escort to a squad car as he read him his rights.

"Nick Wilde, you're under arrest for murder in the first degree, you have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law, and if you can't afford an attorney, then we'll assign you one personally." The officer said and the car began to cart off with the fugitive.

Nick didn't regret what he did, he punished those who had it coming.

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