Part 5

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Marianna's Pov.

speaker:Please welcome the Crenshaw Cougars.

visiting side:Crenshaw! !

Speaker:Welcome your Castro Valley Trojans!!!!!

Our section goes crazy!!!

Speaker: Your Trojan Starting Line up.

#10 Juan Anderson.

#3 D'Andre League!!

Me & Janelle:D.LEAGUE

Juan looked upset when I yelled D'Andre's name and not his.

Janelle:He's sad.

Me:He'll get over it.

We missed the rest of the line up because we were talking.

C.V got the opening tip.

Speaker:Juan Anderson with the three!!

I didnt want to hurt his feelings so I clapped for him. Coach Pride put Juan on the bench and all he did was stare at me.

Me:Boo! Can I help you?

Juan came up to where I was sitting since I was one row behind the bench.

Me:What are you doing?

Juan:Im sorry.

Me:For what?

Juan:I was being a jerk earlier. All you did was care. Im sorry for disrespecting you. Can we be best friends again?

Me:We never stopped being best friends.

He smiled and gave me a hug

Me:Now get back to the bench.

He stood up and hit Janelle then went back to his spot on the bench

Me:Stop hitting my sister.

He turned around and flipped me off.

Juan:*mouths* Fuck you.

Me:*mouths back* You would.

Juan just nods.

Speaker:DeAndre League for two.

Nelle:Get it D!!!!

Me:Let's go C.V.!!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2014 ⏰

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