Chapter 2 - NINA

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I'd been to Brent's room countless times: to pick him up before we headed to the cafeteria, to shoot the breeze, to work on a project or toss test questions around or whatever, so I had no reason to think this time would be different and I ignored my gut.

Once I stepped into his room, smiling at him in greeting, as usual, Brent pulled me to him with one arm while shutting and locking the door behind me with another, setting off my alarms again.

"What?" I said stupidly, unsure what had gotten into him.

Were we about to have a fight?

He looked sober and sort of steaming—almost like he was mad about something. I could practically see fumes coming off of him.

But before I could make sense of his actions or try to figure out what could be bothering him, his lips were suddenly on mine—blanking my mind of rational thought completely.

I had dreamt about those lips many times, fantasized about kissing them many more times, and now those warm, beautiful kissers were on me.

It felt electrical and intoxicating all at once, and my arms wrapped around his neck while our tongues danced with each other.

The heat between his hard body and my soft curves increased, and I felt a tingle travel down my body until it reached my center.

My pussy came to roaring life, wanting more as he pulled me closer and pressed his hardness against me.

I gasped a little in shock—had I done that to him?

I couldn't believe it. Where had all of this come from?

I didn't really care about the answers—only that Brent kept doing what he was doing to my lips and my body as his hands gripped and caressed it.

When I felt him working on his belt, reality suddenly set in.

Surely he didn't plan for us to...?

I reluctantly tore myself away from him, slightly alarmed.

"Brent?" was all I could get out because my body began to betray me, overruling the tiny bit of sense that had momentarily returned to me.

We were both panting heavily, and watching my gorgeous best friend overtaken by desire kept mine churning, but what we were about to do was so wrong.

I'd been on the verge of trying to move on from my obsession with him, and he still had a girlfriend as far as I knew, so there was no way I was about to become that woman—the other woman.

"Brent, we can't," I said more firmly, impressing myself with the sturdiness of my voice, considering how I felt.

"I want you," he said huskily, his rumbling voice sending another sharp tingle from my ear to my hungry, wet core, and I began to lose the reasons I was protesting at all.

Here was the opportunity I'd dreamed about countless times laid out before me—the chance to get even closer to the man I was madly in love with.

What was my problem again?

Brent's jeans crumpled to the floor, and he started working on my top.

I was bereft of words but not thoughts as I realized he was about to see a whole lot more of me, my lady lumps bare to his eyes pretty soon.

Since my words had failed us, maybe the sight of my thick, toneless naked body would stop him, and he'd suddenly start pulling my top back down and his pants back up in disgust—he was used to chicks who could fit the clothes on mannequins, after all.

Fated: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (Excerpt Only)Where stories live. Discover now