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Raymond's POV: 

I had to contain my excitement as I had accomplished the first part of my plan. Now all I had to do was run. Peeking my head out of the door, I looked down the hallway, there was nobody in sight. If I went strait I would go past the reception desk and out the doors into freedom. I took a few deep breaths before I began to tiptoe to my destination. My heart stopped when I saw a woman sitting at the reception desk on the computer. Shit, if she's watching a security camera I'm done for. I jumped when she got up quickly and went into the room behind the desk to get something. This was my chance, I had no time to waste.

I sprinted at full force towards the exit doors. Bursting through them I heard the alarms blasting loudly after me, I couldn't look back. Down three flights of stairs I ran, barefoot, to the parking garage. Once I arrived I located an elevator, I rushed over to it. Frantically pushing the down button, the doors opened. I jumped inside and pressed the last floor, just as the doors began to close I saw two security guards see me and run towards me. They were getting closer and closer but the elevator shut before they got to me. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I landed on the last floor of the parking garage.

Out the door and to the sidewalk, I made it! It was dark, and the air was cold and windy, but I had to keep moving. I felt like I had enough energy to last a week, I needed to use it. I sprinted down the sidewalks and streets until my heart could take no more. I had no idea where I was, but it didn't matter, I felt free. Deciding that I was far enough away, I sat in an alleyway and rested for a while. The wind was chilling me, I was freezing. Why was I so stupid and forget to wear my shoes? Unintententionally, I closed my eyes as sleep overcame me. 

Becca's POV:

Tossing and turning, I couldn't get my mind off of Raymond. I knew it had only been one day, but the fact that he was there when he wasn't crazy, just made my blood boil. I hated Raymond's dad for sending him there. Once I bust Raymond out, we'll make him pay for it. 


Raymond's POV: 

My eyes opened slowly, I was still in the alley way. A wave of relief rushed over me, but I still felt afraid that the police would find me. Now that it was light outside, I could see clearly where I was. I actually wasn't too far from the bar where Becca works! I need to go to see her right away. Standing up, I heard footsteps coming closer from behind me. I turned around and saw a man in a black hoodie, something shiny caught my eye. I looked down to see that in this man's hand, was a knife, a sharp one too. I was paralyzed with fear, "I don't want any trouble" I muttered. "What are you doing in my alley?" He barked angrily at me. I didn't know what he meant. "What?" I asked him, confused. "Listen, this is my alleyway and nobody else comes in here, that includes you" he fumed. "How do you own an alleyway?" I thought to myself, I froze when I realized I said it out loud. The man was furious now, "Maybe this will teach you a lesson" he yelled. I felt a sharp sting pierce the side of my abdomen, then I felt it one more time. I had just been stabbed. 

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