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Suitcase wos very Sed. Ballon her totally canon bf had totes been elimenated an stuf. But basball was like "LOL!!!11!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!" witch made her sed aswell. So she cryd everyday for like 6 month or something lol idk X3. Until she got a leter frum hottel ojay. And it was from BALLON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Deer sutces.

I have never forgotn bout u. U r my one true loaf. I hop that Sum daywe can met agen and asasinate neckle and everything can be ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To succ case

From blon.

"Omg." Sotces blush and cry and made plans thru telepathy to met up dat nite to KEEL NECKELLL!!! Yeahhhhhhhhh!! Keeeeel heeeem

{Part Two Coming Soon!}

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