Ch.1 - moving in

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Your parents had kicked you out of their house and brought you a new house far away from theirs. They said that it would be great to get a job and get a life. "Isn't this exciting Y/n! You get your very own house and we can sleep over each others houses without permission!", you Bf/n shouted with excitement leaving the house to eco with their voice. "Yeah I guess its a bit exciting though see you have more experience to living by yourself", you said uncertain with your words. Your best friend held her chest in false pain and turned her back towards me. "That hurt you know", Your friend said facing the wall, you rolled your eyes and walked outside to pick up the boxes from the boot of bf/N's car. As you walked outside to the cool weather your eyes saw a brunette head in a green hoodie. You couldn't really see their face since they were shouting at their neighbors on the other side of them. "Y/n! Let's get some food I'm hungry", your friend called out to you. You sighed and closed the boot of the car with your foot while your hands were occupied with two boxes stack on one another. "Hello! You must be our new neighbor! Want some help with the boxes", a boy said from behind, you turned around and gave the two boxes to him. "Thanks...", waiting for his name he stopped walking and turned to you with the boxes covering the boy's face. "Edd", he said walking to your house and placing the boxes inside. "Y/n", you replied back, Edd nodded and smiled. "Well if you need anything else just knock on my door and just ask", Edd smiled and walked back to his house. You did the same and brought the boxes inside. The house sounded a bit quiet... You searched all over the house even the roof. Great she left me... Now what am I suppose to do on food? You thought as you walked to the kitchen. The only thing there was to eat was two apples. Luckily this house already came with furniture or else you would be sleeping on the floor. "Y/n? I'm back", Bf/n sang, she walked to the kitchen with a box that said food on it. She placed the box on the table in front of you and opened it. "Where did this come from?", you asked looking inside the box full of food, there was three boxes of cereal, a few canned foods and some fruit. "I was bored and found out that your house wasn't far from mine and decided to go home and pack some cupboard food for you", she smiled and patted your back.

~Time skip - after unpacking~

It took about the whole day to unpack every box. Edd came over a couple of times to help out and also brought his cat Ringo with him. Bf/n would always play with the cat and forget to help us with the house. It was about nine o'clock at night and your best friend was fast asleep except you. Sleeping in a new environment was hard for you. As you were watching TV you slowly drifted to deep slumber on the couch. "Wake up Y/n! Let's go out somewhere today like the park or something", Bf/n shouted, groaning your friend grabbed the blanket off you making you shiver. "Oh and I forgot to tell you I'll be going home tonight", she added. You rolled over and falling on the ground, "ow... Why was I sleeping on the couch?", you asked getting up. Bf/n shrugged and walked into the kitchen and walking out with some fruit. "Let's go! We can have breakfast when we go out I got money with me to bye us something", she said grabbing onto your wrist and dragging you outside. What are you doing?! You thought and got out of her grip. "I haven't even changed out of yesterdays clothes!", you said trying to walk back to the door, but then was stopped by you best friend bf/n who blocked the entry to your house. "Come on let's go I'm sure you'll be fine", she reassured you. After going to a bakery to have breakfast you then walked to a park and saw Edd with two other people with him. There was a ginger with a purple hoodie and green hoodie and the second one had dirty blond hair with a dark blue hoodie. Yet they both were facing their backs at you so you couldn't really see there faces. "Hey! Isn't that Edd? Hey Edd!", bf/n shouted and got Edd's attention. You friend ran to Edd and friends while leaving you alone. There wasn't much kids today so you headed to one of the swings and sat on it. "Y/n come on and say hi to Matt and Tom!", Edd said standing in front of you, You nodded and got off the swing. "Hello I'm y/n", you introduced while holding your hand out. The Ginger boy looked at you with excitement and hugged you, "Hi I'm Matt!",

"Matt let her go she probably wants to leave us now cause of that", the person in the blue hoodie said. Matt set you back on the ground and went to get his pocket mirror out. "This is Tom he can be moody at times", Bf/n said pointing to the blue hoodie. You nodded and saw that he had no eyes. You didn't realize that you were starting to long and mumbled sorry. "Sorry y/n I must go, I just a phone call from my dad saying that he gets something for me", bf/n said as she put her phone back in her pocket. She waved goodbye and left you four at the park. "Guess its time for me to go home too", you said, leaving the boys at the park.

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