Donghae [Part 2]

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Two weeks had passed since what happened, and Donghae moved on with his life as a high school student. It'd been only two months since school started, but he was already the hot topic of the school.
The school heartthrob Lee Donghae.
He wanted to puke at the title, but he kept quiet. His plan to keep a low profile in high school had to be forgotten for now. That aside, God knows how he felt like burning the whole building down everytime he saw Minho, but what else he could do? He didn't want to go back to his old life. He promised himself to change.
Minho acted like they hadn't met before, which was probably a good thing. Because he was sure he'd beat Minho to death if he were to open up .
Donghae was still thinking about Lee Hyukjae whom he met during the rainy day, but it was like imagining someone who doesn't exist. He even began to doubt himself, and wondered if what happened on that day was only in his mind.
That was until one fateful day, when he saw a familiar small figure with shoulder length hair and thick glasses sitting alone at the school cafe. He felt like his heart stopped for a second when the boy took off his glasses for a short moment before putting it on again, because there he was, the boy he'd been desperately searching for.
His life saviour.
"Lee Hyukjae," Donghae whispered.
He'd have approached the latter right there and then, but he knew he'd scare the out of him. He noticed how afraid Hyukjae looked every single time people come near him, as if they were some kind of monsters. He didn't get bullied though, much to his relief.
Because if there was anyone who dared to touch Hyukjae, Donghae would kill him. For real.
"Is he always alone?" Donghae asked Jinhun, one of his friends one day, his eyes never left Hyukjae who was sitting at his usual place, isolating himself from other students.
Jinhun raised an eyebrow, looking slightly amused at his friend's strange question. "Are you interested in him or something?"
"I'm curious."
"I don't really know, but yeah, he's always alone. He's a geek dude, what do you expect?"
Donghae didn't say anything after that. He'd been watching Hyukjae since then, but only from afar. He rarely saw the latter's smile though, and he was itching to walk up to him and put a smile on that face. He could make anyone kneel for him, girls were more than willing to get his attention, but with Hyukjae, it was different.
It was like he was trying to shut himself out from the outside world. And Donghae hated it. He wanted to hear that soothing voice again. He wanted to see his sparkling eyes looking at him, he wanted to have that beautiful smile all to himself.
Because he hated it so much that everytime Hyukjae looked at Yunho, the new idol who attended their high school, his eyes dilated, and his face brightened up. He'd already hated Yunho's cocky , and this just made him feel like kicking the smug smirk on his face.
And then it happened. He was there when Hyukjae confessed his admiration to Yunho, and he stopped to listen. He wouldn't even bother if it was anyone else, but this was Hyukjae. The nerd who never mingled with other students.
"Can you please be my dancing teacher? I would like to be a dancer like you." He heard Hyukjae said.
This wasn't going to end well, he knew it. Yunho was one hell of an arrogant bastard who think he owns the world because he'd become an idol.
"Do you really think an ugly piece of like you could be a dancer like me? Dream on, geek."
Donghae had to walk away at the time, because if he stayed there, he knew he'd kill Yunho. He wanted to pull Hyukjae out of there so badly, but he held back. He had to remember what he promised himself. Keep a low profile.
"Hey Donghae, want to have lunch together?" A group of cheerleaders suddenly surrounded him right after he left, each of them was trying hard to get his attention.
Yeah, low profile my , Donghae mentally cursed.

"Jung Yunho you crazy bastard!"
Donghae was enjoying his beauty nap when he heard someone cursing, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Hyukjae standing at the railings, his face red.
"I ing hate you and your cocky !"
Whoa. Who'd have thought a nerd could curse like that? Must be a hidden talent.
Hyukjae kept cursing, and he had to suppress his laugh seeing him getting all mad. It was kind of cute actually. Damn, he must be so whipped.
"Cursing in the morning?" He finally decided to talk. He had enough. It was hard to keep distancing himself from Hyukjae. He might end up going nuts, so he better act now.
Shock was written all over Hyukjae's face, he could see his huge round eyes behind his glasses.
"You're so noisy," Donghae sat up, his eyes studying the latter's nervous face. He could somehow tell what he had in mind. "Chill, I have no intention of telling anyone. Do whatever you want."
He left the confused Hyukjae behind, though he wanted to have a longer conversation with him. But he couldn't. His hands were itching to grab Hyukjae and pull him into his arms, so before he was labelled as a he'd better leave first.
But God must love him, because he met Hyukjae again at the rooftop the next few days. Or more like, he had a feeling Hyukjae would go there so he purposely skipped the boring History class and went to the school rooftop instead.
"Cursing time again?" he teased.
Hyukjae shot him a look at first, but then his face softened. "Did you tell anyone?"
Why would I share things that you did with anyone else?
Donghae nearly said that, but he managed to hold back. "Why would I? It has nothing to do with me."
"Aren't you close with Yunho?"
What the hell? Donghae almost puked. Why would anyone think he was friends with the snobbish bastard? "Don't be ridiculous. We hate each other's guts. If you want to hate him go ahead, I'm totally fine with it."
Hyukjae looked puzzled, but he didn't ask any further. He fidgeted with his fingers nervously, and after what felt like a long silence, he finally opened . "D-do you mind if I ask you something?"
Hyukjae waited for his reaction, and when he didn't respond, he said, "Umm, do you happen to know where I can get a makeover?"
Donghae arched an eyebrow. What a strange thing to say for someone who never really paid attention to his appearance. But he figured it must have something to do with Yunho.
"I know some places around here," he said, and Hyukjae looked utterly surprised, "Not sure how good they are though."
"C-can you tell me how to get there?"
Is he serious? Donghae thought. It must be a huge blow for him to get humiliated in front of the whole school, but still, was this really alright? "What did Yunho do to you?" he purposely asked, though he knew exactly what happened between them.
Hyukjae seemed hesitant to tell him at first, but he did anyway, while kept looking down at his feet.
When he didn't say a word, Hyukjae looked like he was going to leave, so he immediately said, "Want me to take you there?"
Hyukjae looked stunned at his offer. Donghae knew he wasn't thinking right, but since he met the latter, he'd always been out of his mind. Call him sly, but he wasn't letting go of this opportunity. Not when he finally got a chance to have what he'd always wanted.
"Are you...are you sure? We don't even know each other."
Stretching his numb body, Donghae got up on his feet and walked towards Hyukjae, putting his arm around him. "Getting revenge is always fun."

Donghae leaned against the wall, his fingers tapping on the box of pizza he was holding. He purposely waited outside Heechul's salon until he was done, afraid that he'd get caught staring at Hyukjae the whole time. He could hear their voices faintly from inside, though he had no idea what they were talking about.
After exactly 15 minutes standing there like a statue, he stepped inside, his eyes frantically searching for the one person he'd always had in his mind. Then he saw him, blonde haired, smooth, fair skin, and round single lidded eyes.
Hyukjae turned to him and smiled, but Donghae pretended to ignore him and sat in the corner, busying himself with the pizza. That smile was dangerous, it was his greatest weakness. Damn, he was in so much trouble now.
He looked up at Heechul's high-pitched squeal, and landed his eyes on Hyukjae who was nervously looking at his new image in the mirror.
"Donghae, what do you think?" Heechul turned Hyukjae around, impatiently waiting to hear his positive reaction on his work.
"Not bad," Donghae said. No, he's beautiful.
Insanely beautiful.
"Not bad?! Are you blind? He's drop dead gorgeous!"
"I look different," Hyukjae said, looking a little stunned everytime he looked at his reflection.
Heechul told him something then, before slowly pushing him forward, forcing him to face Donghae.
"Umm..." Hyukjae smiled awkwardly. "I still can't get used to this."
"It'll be fine," Donghae stepped closer, his voice was low and firm, "I'll make sure things will be fine for you."
"But...but I think blonde hair looks weird on me."
"Hyukjae," Donghae lightly touched the latter's cheek with the back of his hand, and Hyukjae's eyes slightly widened. "You're beautiful."
"T-thank you..."
"I'm the one who should thank you."
Donghae smiled. "You'll know why someday."

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