♧Part 1《 Kise' s Mission 》

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When they left the basketball court

Kise was deep in thought as he walked behind the basketball players.

'Akashicchi and Kurokocchi...... AKAKURO?'

He didn't notice that he ended up shouting it out loud at the train station and everyone was staring at him weirdly.

Midorima , whose patience was wearing thin, grabbed Kise's head and shoved it down making him bow at 90°. Kise was murmuring his apologies to the people there and his other fellow basketball players pretended not to know him.

'Kise is such an embarassment', they all thought.

" Kisechin.... you're a real idiot aren't you?..." Murasakibara said, looking disgusted.

Kise was smart to keep quiet and not causing another scene there. Even if he was going to, with Midorima staring holes at him, he wouldn't be able to.

The train arrived and the passengers started rushing in before the doors  close.

" Oi , Kise ! Get your ass in the train now." said Aomine, the girls were starting to notice him and it irritates him to see the girls swarming around Kise. The last time Kise had gotten himself noticed by a girl , they'd got pushed and kicked by the girls who were fighting to get his autograph and the experience was not  delightful at all.

" Don't make a fool out of yourself again ." Kagami said as he walked in first .

They went on one by one but at the last moment , Kise had surprised everyone again. He pulled Aomine , Kagami , Midorima and Murasakibara  out of the train as the doors close and the train started moving.

" What the hell?..." said Aomine as he turned slowly to look at the model who was fidgeting.

At that moment,  Kise felt it .... all hell had broke loose.

The four of them were about to beat Kise up until Kise said " ..."


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