#3 In His House

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" So.... why at they walking back together?" Kise asked while occasionally peeping at the two who was walking down the road.

" Akashi' s hotel is near Kuroko' s place." Midorima said bluntly. He never took his eyes of the pair and he knew something big was going to happen. Leo and Aquarius was in the top 2 rankings in Oha asa today.

" Eh...? Mido-chin~ is that so...? Then why is Aka-chin and Kuro-chin together there at-" Murasakibara said but was rudely interrupted by Kise , Aomine and Kagami.

" Kurokocchi' s/ Tetsu' s/ Kuroko's house!" They said as the arrive at his place.

Midorima was shocked but he should have known that Akashi would most likely take this chance to get closer to Kuroko. He said nothing and just continued to look at the pair.

Sure enough, right in front of the modest house was Kuroko' s family name, written on a wooden plate , placing right on the concrete pillar beside the gate.

The five who were peeking watch as Kuroko and Akashi talk , with Kuroko blushing occasionally and Akashi smiling kindly, which they don't often see. Kuroko invited him in and they went into his house.

The stalkers stared at the door for a minute...... then two..... and three....

" They're not coming out, are they...?" Kagami asked. They are sticky with sweat as none of them took a bath yet and the mosquitos buzzing around the bush was bothering him so much and he wanted to just meteor jam them... but NOOO!.. That will ruin their perfect cover, well that's what Kise said. "What utter nonsense " Kagami thought. Even so , he couldn't deny that he was curious of what his shadow would do.

He should have known that Kuroko have some feelings for his past captain seeing how he blushed just now as he saw how determined Kuroko is when it comes to basketball with Akashi during the last competition. And he have such strong feelings ( although not noticeable by others except for him) when something has to do with Akashi.

" Haih.... I guess not." Aomine answered.

" Then what do we do now... We can't go home with Momoichi knowing where we will be, can we? We'll be dead meat! "

" Hmph, that is why I follow fate, idiots." Unknowing to the rest of the stalker group, Midorima's lucky item of the day is kept safely in his bag, and it is a super-large foldable tent meant for 7 people.

Expertly, he unfolded it and set it up behind the bush infront of Kuroko' s house. " We'll camp here then." Midorima said." Be grateful, nanodayo."

" Mido-chin~ I'm going in first "

" Nice one , Midorima." Aomine said and yawned then went on after Murasakibara to put his bag beneath his head where he lied down and slept , just like Murasakibara.

" Thanks Midorima"

" Uwaaa.. Mido-chin , You're the best! " Kise said and was about to enter until Midorima pushed him aside and zipped up the tent after entering with Kagami.

" I didn't said that I was going to share it with you , nanodayo."

" What ? You shared it with Aominecchi but you're not gonna share it with me?"

It was lucky that all of them were too tired to argue or else another scene might just unfold itself right now.

Midorima opened the zip just enough lo let his head through.
" Keep quiet or I'll throw you out."

Kise light up in joy and went in quietly, being careful not to offend Midorima and laid on the tent like the others with his bag.

" Well, we'll just wait until the next day to decide what to do, and for now... sleep." They all thought and went to retire through the night.

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