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There was me asleep in my bed.

I looked at the letter in my hands that kept shaking.

I started to read it.

Dear Cassie,

My, my have you grown. I love watching you sleep at night and wake in the morning. I miss waking up next to you. Atleast I get to watch you wake up still. I have been planning this moment forever! I will finally get you back! you will be mine forever! we will continue where we left off! If you tell somebody about this letter I will kill you. Don't think I won't, BECUASE I WILL ALWAYS FIND YOU! I will not loose you again to another bastard! sweet Cassie, we will soon meet again!


Your long lost love

I didn't know who this was or how they knew me, but I was scared!

I quickly ran inside shut and locked the door.

I ran down the hallway into the living room. I ran over to the phone and dialed 911.

The phone would not call. the phone lines had been disconnected.

I started pacing around the room, then suddenly I heard a creaking sound of feet stepping on the hardwood floor.

I peeked out the door into the hallway. In my bedroom I seen a shadow. The shadow slowly started to disappear out of view. I thought the person left. I slowly walked down the hall not making any noise to my bedroom.

I was scared to find what was in there.

I stopped breathing at the site.

Letters from hellWhere stories live. Discover now