제 7년지기친구 서울올라와서부터 맨날같은반이라서.. 늘챙겨줬던 친구들중하나 우리뮤지컬배우님 성진이 언젠간 우리둘이 각자분야꼭대기에서 만나기로했슴다! #👍🏻
[TRANS]My 7th year friend My friend who came to Seoul from the same day is one of the friends I always packed. My musical actor, Sung-jin, one day, we will meet at the top of each field! # 👍🏻
대장님과 함께 즐겁고 행복한 공연이었습니다 ~!~~~ 💕😄💕[TRANS]I
t was an enjoyable and happy performance with the director. ~~~~ 💕😄💕