A Performance To Remember

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          A soft melody drifted through the still shop. A young woman sat at a white piano, her slender fingers moving over the keys with such grace. Her eyes were closed as she played the song. Slowly she opened her eyes and they were filled with such sadness that it would have broken anyone’s heart to have looked upon her.

          A shaky breath escaped from between her lips as she played the last note. Silence fell upon the dark room she was sitting within. It left her alone in cold darkness. Standing from the piano, she walked over to a drawer and picked up a picture that was sitting upon it.

          Brushing her fingers upon the picture, a single tear slid down her cheek at the thought of the person in the photo. Wiping away that one single tear, she placed the picture back down then made her way up the winding stair case to the second floor. Her foot steps made no sound as she made her way though the second floor that was her home.

          She went to the last door on the left and walked inside the room. It was white, plain, and did not have much with in it. But she did not mind, she was happy with her life, even if she didn’t have expensive things. Walking to her vanity, she pulled back the elegant white chair and sat down on it.

          Lifting her gaze up to the looking glass she looked into her own eyes. They were light blue and held great sadness and loneliness. Directing her gaze away from her own eyes she started to fix up her make-up and hair. Her golden curls spilled over her petite shoulders and framed her pale but angelic face.

          Opening up a small drawer in her vanity, she pulled out a gold chain. Attached to the gold chain was a heart shaped locket that held a ruby in it’s center. A small smile graced her lips as she put it on, the feelings of loneliness leaving her for the time being.

          Standing, she fixed her white dress then left the room. Walking down the hall, she made her way back down the stairs. Getting to the last step, she stopped to look around. The store looked so empty and sad to her. It was as if the life and love that had been put into it was no more. As she scanned the room, her eyes landed upon a dark figure that was standing near the door. Her pale lips became that of a frown as she stared at the other person.

          “I’m sorry sir, but we are closed.” Her voice was soft and light.

          The other person said nothing as they moved to look at her. She could not see who it was or make out any features as they moved towards her. The other was being careful to remain within the shadows. Fear gripped at her heart when she noticed that the person was carrying a large blunt looking object.

          As she spoke her voice came out shaky, showing her fear, “Please leave, we are closed.” Ever so slightly she took steps back, inching back up the stairs.

          When the intruder noticed this they started to walk faster. Unable to take it, the girl turn and ran. As she ran down the hall the loud steps of the other following her echoed through out the building. The young woman stopped at a random door and rushed inside only to find that it was the room of the one person she had been missing.

          She jumped in surprise when the door was thrown open behind her. Turning around quickly, her eyes widened as she saw who it was. Panic washed through her as they lifted up the large sledge hammer that they had been carrying.

           “Why are you doing this!” She cried as she stumbled back wards in an attempt to get away.

           “Because.. I Can…” The other whispered as they brought the sledge hammer down.

A Performance To RememberWhere stories live. Discover now