Chapter Two

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          Louis’s  brown hues scanned over the assortment of flowers before him. They were all so lovely but he did not know which ones to pick out. A rough calloused hand filled his vision as it picked up a handful of forget me not’s and some white roses.

          “I think Emily would like this Mr. Scarlet.” The owner of the hand spoke, gaining Louis’s full attention.

          “Excuse me?” He turned to look at the other man and couldn’t help but smile when he saw who it was.

          The large burly man looked nervously at the flowers, “You were looking to buy her some flowers weren’t you? She does love flowers… These are her favorites…”

          Louis couldn’t help but smile as he gently took the flowers from the large man, “Yes Charles, I think you are right. They are for her… I’m afraid I have bad news for Emily and I’m hopping that the flowers will help to make it better.” As he spoke he paid for the flowers and had them tied together with a pink ribbon.

         Charles nodding his large head and smiled, “I’m sure the flowers will make her smile. It was good talking to you Louis but I need to get back to the construction site.”

          “I understand, take care of yourself.” Patting the mans muscled arm, he walked around him and into the large crowed. It was Sunday afternoon so everyone was barley getting out of church, making the streets full.

          Pushing his way through the crowd, thoughts of what he was to tell his daughter filled his mind. He had no idea how to properly tell her, and didn’t know how she would take it. Lowering his gaze to the flowers, he sighed and changed his focus on just getting home.


          Biting on her lower lip, Emily lightly pushed the bright daisy into the little girls hair. The dark strands were braided to perfection upon the child’s hair. The purpose of the flower was to add color. Smiling when she was finished with her work she took a step back.

          “Okay Cecil, you are all set.” She mused as the little girl gave her a hug then rushed to her mother.

          The older woman gave the young blonde a warm smile as she pulled coins from her purse, “Thank you Emily, Cecilia’s father is coming home from over seas today I just did not know what to do with her hair.” She held out the coins.

          Accepting them, she moved to deposit the coins into the register, “It was no problem, I love doing Cecil’s hair so bring her when ever, I don’t mind.”

          For a moment the woman stood where she was. She was studying Emily as if she were a article of clothing on sale. Giving her another smile, she took Cecilia’s hand then left the shop. Cecilia turned and waved her tiny had at Emily as they left.

          Right after they had walked out her father walked in. Excitement ran through Emily at the sight of him and she rushed around the counter to him.

          “Papa papa!” She cried as she flung her arms around him, “I have something to tell you”

          Louis wrapped his arms around her small figure, “I have something to tell you to Emily.” When she released him he turned and closed up the shop. Not giving her a chance to speak, he grabbed her hand and led her to the back room and had her sit.

          Sitting across from her, he tightened his hold on the flowers then looked at her, “You go first.”

          Excitement sparkled in her blue hues as a grin spread across her face, “Mr. Bowmen came today, he said that he want’s take me under his wing, to make my playing famous.”

          Louis couldn’t help but smile at this, “That’s wonderful Emily, I know he will be able to get you into concert halls and get you the recognition your music deserves.”

          “Yes, he’s a very nice man and I accepted too, I already knew you would be okay with it.”  She shifted in her seat and glanced at the flowers, “Now… What’s your news?”

          Standing from his seat, he handed the flowers to her. Once she had taken them he walked over to a small table where they would put the days mail. A letter sat on top. Picking it up, he gave it to her then sat back down. Emily stared at it confusion.

           “This… Is from the general… Why did the general send us something?” She lifted her confused gaze to him. 

          “Emily, you know I would never leave you to take care of your self…” He looked down at his hands, “But…”

          She grasped the flowers and the letter tightly, “But what…” Her voice dropped as she stared at him, “What’s going on.”

          Slowly he looked up at her, tears filling his eyes, “I’m going into war.”

          “When…” She locked gazes with him.

          “Tonight…” His voice became a whisper as he saw the pain in his daughters face.

          She shot up from her seat, letting the items fall to her feet. Clenching her hands at her sides she looked away from him so he would not see her eyes, “Just promise me that… You will come home…”

          Standing, he walked to her and pulled her into a tight embrace, “I promise Emily… I promise I will come back to you…”


AN: Okai... This chapters not much longer, sorry >.< i know theres not a lot of info and some things are unclear, but I promise that I am doing it on purpose. Also, Should I keep it a short story or make it longer? If longer then what catagories should it be under? Hm... But anyways! Thoughts so far? This was suppose to be a sad chapter that sets the whole thing into motion :D Leave me things(if you want) <3

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