Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Hello there!" Harry said. "I'm Harry Styles if you haven't noticed!" Oh I noticed! But...but...Harry Styles?! Of all people...but I'm not unhappy about this! Harry Styles was in the most famous boyband of the 2000s and now he is my new guardian! How cool is that?

"Thank you, Andrew for driving her here." Harry said. Oh. So it was Andrew, not Godfrey....oh well!!! "And you are Lindsey!" Harry said smiling. I had seen plenty of old pictures of Harry Styles and truthfully he looks the same. Dimples and dark curly hair.

"Yeah," I mumbled "And you are Harry Styles even though I thought you were H. Selyts."

He laughed. "Oh, no that's my last name backwards, you see! I didn't wanna give myself away."

"Ohhhh," I said, feeling stupid. "Well, you fooled me!" He smiled and motioned for me to come inside.

To say the least, the house was gorgeous. There was a huge foyer with a chandelier and white walls and marble floors. My jaw nearly dropped when I saw the grand marble staircase.

"Gateway to Heaven," Harry said, jokingly "At least that's what I call it." And he was right. Upstairs was the same with marble floors and everything looking perfect and clean. Oxi Clean. Harry walked down the hallway a little further and opened a door to a room at the edge of the house. Inside the room was large bedroom containing a king bed, fireplace and TV.

"Is this...mine?" I stuttered. "You bet!" Harry said, his smile unbelievably wide. "I could just hug you right now!!!" I screeched. "Go ahead!" And I did.

A boy (and a cute one I might add) that looked about my age or older walked into the room. "Do you need anything, Mr. Styles?" the boy asked. "No, no, but you can go ahead and introduce yourself!" Harry said with a gesture towards me.

I suddenly felt underdressed and wished I had worn some makeup. "Oh, of course!" The boy said, realizing his mistake. "I am Ben, well Benjamin really but everyone calls me Ben!"

"Lindsey?" I said. And I said it just like that. Like a question! I quickly fixed my mistake. "And I don't mean it like a question! Like that is %100 percent my real name but it just cam out like..." I trailed off realizing Ben's blue eyes staring at me. He was smiling.

"Oh I know your name is Lindsey, don't worry! Mr. Styles briefed me on you beforehand." Ben said in his clean British accent. "Oh." I said immediately feeling ashamed of my blubbering. Ben smiled and walked away.

"Just call for Ben if you need anything." Harry said. "Oh, I will!" I said too quickly. "Take a nap and at 4:30 you have a shopping spree with Elizabeth." Harry nodded and left.

I didn't even ask who Elizabeth was, I was too tired.


At 4:30 (precisely) a plump maid woke me up. "Get up, darling we are going SHOPPING!!!" Elizabeth said and she said shopping like it was the best thing ever. She yanked me out of my super comfy bed and dragged me to the garage and we jumped into a white Cadillac. She roared up the engine and took off.

To say that Elizabeth is a bad driver is an understatement. She swerved all over the words while blabbing on and on about how much I am going to enjoy living in England. I just kind of tuned out, not caring.


Shopping was I was practically weighed down by my bags and Elizabeth picked out all of the clothes since I have yet develop a sense of style. I didn't argue with anything she bought because I just didn't know.

When we got back "home" I dragged my bags to my room and started unpacking the clothes and putting them in my closet and drawers. Afterwards, I went to go find Harry and I found myself face to face with Ben.

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