The wedding

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Ben and Evie got married the day after Mal and Jay were sent back to the Isle. They had a fun time, and were happy to put their realonships with Mal and Jay in the past. Mal and Jay were perfect for each other, and everyone knew that. 

Evie dress was the following:

Evie dress was the following:

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Her hair:

Ben just wore a blue suit

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Ben just wore a blue suit. Like always. 

They got married in Ben's Castle, and danced all night like crazy. To show you by crazy, I mean, there were fireworks, campfires roasting smores, hotdogs, and marshmallows. The songs they played were rock, some pop, and some slow dance. 

Little did they know, they ruined two people's lives forever, and destroyed whatever ounce of trust and friendship they had left with Mal and Jay. Over on top of Bargain Castle, Mal and Jay were watching the entire celebration. 

Mal was crying on Jay's shoulder, leaning into him. They didn't do anything to get sent back to the Isle. Ben had lied to his dad, and he wasn't coming back for them. Mal fell asleep next to Jay on top of the roof. Jay did the same. 

The next morning, Evie and Ben woke up in their new bed, and smiled at each other. They were leaving in a few hours to get Mal and Jay. Suddenly, Auradon City was filled with loud music, coming from the Isle. 

Evie and Ben shot up, and looked out the window, in their magical binoculars. 2 villains were cranking up the music, and started dancing to Cotton Eyed Joe. It went on like this, all the villains were dancing and screaming while listening to Cotton Eye Joe, when Evie and Ben arrived at the Isle. They went up to the Bargain Castle, and walked inside. 

The music was just as loud inside. Mal and Jay were dancing to the same song, Cotton Eyed Joe. Mal started smiling just as big as Jay, and they really started to dance. Moving to the whole song over and over again. 

When they finally took a break from dancing, Jay took Mal's hand, and pulled her down on the couch with him. Mal laid her head on Jay's shoulder. "I miss Carlos already. Dude too." Mal said. "I can't believe Ben lied to his dad. We did nothing wrong." "I know Lilac.( I CAN"T SPELL LILIAC!) Our positon sucks. Even if he did want us back, I don't think we can." 

Mal sniffed, and Jay wrapped his arms around her, as she started to cry. "Jay, why did they make us be King and Queen of the Isle! I Don't want to be queen!" She cried. "I know Lilac. I don't want to be King either." Jay answered back rubbing Mal's hair/head.

"Guys?" Jay looked over at them, and glared. "What do you want?" "We want you to come back with us." "Do you think we're stupid! I HATE YOU BEN! YOU DESTROYED EVERYTHING WE HAD LEFT OF A FRIENDSHIP!" Mal yelled and ran into the back to her room. 

"Why did you guys come back?" "we want-" "Yeah. You made a big mistake. You did. Mal hates you two, and everything that's assoatied with you." Jay walked back towards Mal. "Mal, how about we go outside, and join everyone else dancing?" 

Mal nodded, and the two walked right past each Evie and Ben and left and went outside dancing with everyone else. The loud music started again, driving Ben and Evie nuts. Ben saw something peeking out from Mal's bedroom. 

He and Evie walked inside. Inside, was pictures of Jay, Evie, and Carlos. There were a couple of Ben too, but every picture with Evie and Ben in it, was spraypainted with a big red x over every picture of them. 

"Woah, she really hates us doesn't she?" Ben asked. "Look. Her nightstand." Evie pointed at something, which was a bottle, and a picture frame. In the picture frame, was a picture of Jay, Carlos, Dude, and her. Jay was kissing her head, and Carlos was with dude, bombarding on them. 

They were all happy in that picture. The bottle was a bottle, with a label, that read ANTI-PAIN. Ben picked up the bottle, and Evie and Ben sat down on the couch, waiting for Jay and Mal to return. 

When they did, Mal was laughing, and Jay was too. "Ohh, you're still here." Mal said. She walked to her room, to get her bottle of ANTI-PAIN. Her doctor told her to take one whenever she was feeling like something was killing her, which was a lot of things. 

Jay was the only one besides Carlos that could help her cope with her pain everyday. Her pain including, leaving Auradon City, Evie, Ben, her mom's abuse, yelling, and wrath. Her bottle was missing. 

She screamed, and Jay was at the door. He caught her just as she fell. The thing was, if she didn't have some of her ANTI-PAIN she would collaspse, and be unconcious for days. He saw her bottle wasn't there, and went out to Ben and Evie. 

"Give me her bottle." He said, holding out his hand. Ben handed it to him. "Why does she need this stuff?" Evie asked. Her mom used to give it to her when she was locking inside her castle. "Because of you two." 

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