Meeting My Fate

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Bella POV

I looked down into the water, felt the cool breeze on my face, and prepared for the jump. I was tired of being the helpless little girl all the time, and sick of being yelled at constantly. I looked up at the sky one last time, and I jumped…

"Isabella! Stay with us now. Ok? Don't close your eyes! Your gonna be fine! Isabella? Isabella!"

I heard everyone, but I couldn't find it in myself to respond to them. My eyes were heavy, and I couldn't keep them open any longer. Everything was sore…was I dead? I didn't think death could hurt this badly. Maybe I was in hell for everything I did to everyone…Yes, your in hell Bella. Did you really believe that you would be in Heaven after everything you did? You're in hell and you deserve to be. Now close your eyes and deal with it. You brought this upon yourself. My thoughts drowned out all the screaming and yelling I heard from everyone else. I closed my eyes, and finally became numb.

James POV

Bella is in the hospital. Again. God. That girl is hopeless! I thought to myself. Over the past 2 years that we've been together, she has been in the hospital probably over 100 times. I was starting to get tired of it.

"James, officer Swan would like to have a word with you." The doctor said to me. Again. 3rd time in the past 20 minutes. Don't they understand I don't want to talk to him? Whatever, lets just get this over with. Not like I did anything wrong right?"

Officer Swan walked into the room, a grim expression on his face. He looked pissed. Great. This should be fun.

"James." he greeted me with a nod.

"Swan." I replied, just as icily.

"I'm guessing you already know why I'm here?" Officer Swan said. When I didn't reply, he continued. "I want you to tell me everything that happened last night. First of all, why did Bella jump?"

How the hell am I supposed to know that? I don't know what the fuck that girl thinks. She's a crazy bitch. "I don't know." I spat at him.

"She's your girlfriend. She's been your girlfriend for the past 2 years. I would think you of all people would know these things. Has she had stuff going on in her life lately? Anything that would cause her to do something like this?"

"I told you I don't know. If I knew, don't you think I would tell you? She's just crazy. That girl needs some serious help."

"Well she's not the only one that needs help, James. The doctors said that she has severe head trauma and possibly a couple broken ribs. And she is severely underweight. I'm sure you noticed that though."

"What do you mean underweight? She looks fine to me! Actually, she still looks like she could lose a couple pounds. And I don't know anything bout the head trauma or whatever the hell you just said. If you're implying that I'm abusing her, you're wrong. I haven't been anything but nice to Bella for the past 2 years. Maybe she fell down the stairs again or something. She's clumsy like that."

Officer Swan got a grim look on his face. "I don't believe you, James. But I guess I'll just have to take your word for it. I have no evidence of any kind of abuse, especially with her record here. But she will have to go away for a couple of weeks, maybe months, for a suicidal hospital down in Florida. You can say your goodbyes later. Good day, James." He left, without a second glance at me. "yeah. Good day…officer."

I picked up my phone and started dialing. When i heard the click on the other side, i started talking. "Jasper, It didn't work...again. I think i have a plan though. Meet me in the parking lot of the hospital. The usual spot." I hung up after that, without letting him say a word.

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