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Hi everyone! It's been a week since i updated the last chapter. Now, let's see your scores.

The total score is 40 plus the bonus score for liking our facebook page.

13thRedRaven got 40 points
Yammy_Potato got 15 points
Shanleena got 30 points
elxandra_ got 40 points plus 5 points for liking the page. A total of 45 points
Rakiiibs got 40 points plus 5 points for liking the page. A total of 45 points
BloodMoonCry got 40 points plus 5 points for liking the page. A total of 45 points

KeeytangaNiCaReal got 40 points
Everjoy_Condes got 40 points plus 5 points for liking the page. A total of 45 points

Elledyrram got 30 points plus 5 points for liking the page. A total of 35 points

ReinSophia got 35 points plus 5 points for liking the page. A total of 40 points

Stylusquill got 35 points
blitzkrieg_29 got 40 points plus 5 points for liking the page. A total of 45 points
Angelic_45 got 40 points

Rjen_OneXx got 40 points plus 5 points for liking the page. A total of 45 points

bhabygnahs got 40 points

Nekshee04 got 40 points

yyanniee got 40 points
kelshreys got 40 points plus 5 points for liking the page. A total of 45 points
kirimaru got 35 points
daikichiyurie got 40 points
BipolarDudeski got 40 points 5 points for liking the page. A total of 45 points

aubstract got 40 points 5 points for liking the page. A total of 45 points

CUaroundDcorner got 40 points

Unknown_Writter03 got 40 points

unicornizmeh got 4o points
creepymindgirl got 35 points
michielokim got 40 points

Azaciel got 30 points

That's on from now on. That is your first score and the first one who got the highest point is Rakiiibs.

Next chapter is the weekly gem.

Stay tuned.


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