Wanna ... Restaurant food?

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After discovering the 4 hybrids in the new family, all went back to a make-shift normal.

And if all the other members were frighteningly protective of them...
No one said anything.

At least not out loud.

Today was the day before the day that they all travel to LA, for KCon.

And they were all excited!

As it would be all of their last day in Korea for a good couple weeks at least
(A/n: I have literally no idea they are going to be in America but for the sake of this stories POV it's going to be 3 weeks and 2 days. That's it. Jihoon: whaaa... what about our POV? Huh I haven't even met my members yet :,( Jungkook: at least you HAVE a chapter hyung! A/n: erm.... I'll work on it ok?!! Ok!!!!!  Wish I only started writing this a couple days ago and you're all on my back already! Sorry readers I'm nagging so here's the rest of this chapter!=) so they all decided that they would go to a small restaurant just the eleven of them and celebrate their debut and futures in America. And eat. Of course.

Mainly eat.

------Anywho here's a setting change-----

They were all packing... STILL.

When the eldest came into each room deciding it was probably best to go eat now before it became too dark to walk there.

"Yah! Jihoon! Minhyun! Woojin! Jaehwan! Guanlin! You need to get ready to go out, only me and Sungwoon know where we're going and we're leaving in 10 minutes so get ready!" Jisung yelled at the 5 before exiting to continue waking all the other members thoroughly.

---( let's just say that they didn't actually get to leave until half an hour had past)---

Whilst walking down the street the sky became dark and was soon pitch black and suddenly a terrified scream came from Woojin.

"Yah! Maknae-ah why'd ya grab me!"

"I I I-I'm s-sorry h-hyung... ah! U-um H-hyung c-can w-e h-ol-d hands... PLEASE?"

"Neh, Guanlin what's wrong? Hmm?"

Mumbled words caught a few of their ears whereas some of the members didn't even hear a covered scream. There interest and worry peaked... by a mile.

"Baby you need to speak up we can't hear you otherwise" Jisung whispered to the petrified 17 year old(16 in international age).

"I-I don't like the dark h-hyung" the youngest cried.

"Awe baby. Look we're here now, come I'll even buy you an ice cream, ok bab?" Jaehwan said softly.

"R-really? Hyung Really?" Guanlin whispered unsure at first the excitedly.

"Yeh" Jaehwan said standing up from his crouched position beside the younger.

"Yay! Wait there's no more dark hyung! You all chase the dark away! Let's celebrate!" The innocent maknae rejoiced unknowingly bringing a smile to each of their faces as they had all simply walked inside the building they would be eating at.

----(after the flirty-blonde-not-at-all-pretty-witch-lady had finished showing them to their table, private table to be exact)----

(For the record this will all eventually be cleared up as their mayyyyy be some OT11 ... but we don't know yet...)
A/N : I N.E.V.E.R said AnyThing Ok?)))))))?

Once the had sat down and ordered their drink the table began talking to one another about small things like what we would do once we were in America(!) ... you know nothing BIG at all (A/n: notice the sarcasm).
Once our drinks arrived:

Jisung and Sungwoon each had a pint of beer (A/n: can't remember what the Korean word is right now but they're legal)

Seungwoo, Minhyun and Jihoon each had a large drink of Coke.

Woojin, Jihoon and Daehwi each had a cup of Orange and Passion fruit J2O (A/n: not exactly sure if this is sold anywhere but the U.K. but that doesn't really matter)

Whereas Daniel and Jaehwan each had a medium glass of Mango juice.

And Guanlin had a Vanilla milkshake... that had gone missing in 5 minutes, all without the glass. Hmm...

After there food arrived and was eaten it was fair to say the whole group was more awake than ever. Not.

They were all tired AF. So they all trudged back home in the pitch black with only a couple torches to light the way.

Oh and not forgetting Guanlin being one with vice-like in gripping onto Minhyun all the way home where they all collapsed due to exhaustion.

Omg I'm lazy...

To be fair though, you lot try writing and coming up with a story at 3 minutes past 11 at night ok? Jisooos ...

Erm yeh I've just realised the title says Drabbles. Hmm might need to fix that to:

Random little story sections that are all kind of sort of connected to each other in the same world except none of the different POVs have ACTUALLY met yet.

Too long?

Xx kisses xX

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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