Seventeen Prt 1

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The members of the future pledis group were huddled in a practice room in front of their CEO who only recently cleared his throat.

"So... boys as you all know there are hybrids on this planet... we've decided that you- as in ALL of you can choose which one you want to be apart of your group, choose wisely."

All eyes were on the laptop in front of them...

It was a video.

Of 3 hybrids

What's your favourite colour?

A tall bunny hybrid replied with the colour white.

"Because it's pure and goes with everything "
His voice was deep, like a rapper.

A patched puppy hybrid replied with the colour blue.

"There's no real reason to the colour it just looks nice, bro"
His voice was accented... where I don't know it wasn't Busan, or Seoul or ... wait maybe he's from another continent?

And finally a small boyish character with lion ears emerging from his head replied with;

"I like the rainbow... no? I have to have a specific colour ..hmm.. in that case yellow and pastel pink.
Well... yellow cos it's bright and energetic, pink because it's a romantic colour, I guess"

What's your age and height?

Bunny boy
"I'm 176 cms in hybrid form and I'm 23"

Puppy hybrid

"I'm 174 cms, ... and I'm from Japan oh oh and I'm 19 years old I'll be 20 in November "

Lion cub

"Why didn't you start with this question though?
I'm 164cm's tall, and i am fully grown- I'm the same height in human form... so don't even ask that..."
"And I was born on September 22nd 1996... I'm sure you can don the math?... maybe?"
What position would you have?






"Erm I can sort of do all of them but main Singer I guess?"


The video then cut to a series of the trio doing their own tricks and talents.

The bunny was a great rapper
The puppy was an ok dancer

But what had them all gaping was the lion hybrids singing voice he sang a beautiful version of I'm yours , and while he sang the boy... Jihoon's face became that of aegyo at its finest.

They were all silently appreciating the adorable ...

S.coops spoke, and he definitely spoke for all of them
"Can we have the Lion hybrid as our very own member and hybrid?"

"Yes, sure I'll bring him in"


"Anyeong... My name Jihoon, please take care of me"

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