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7:30 am, the alarm went off, an ear splitting noise rang through the room.

It was early in morning, to early. He lay limp in his bed struggling to wake up. He grunted and turned the alarm off, slowly getting out of bed letting the covers fall to the floor, he headed for the bathroom and turned on the lights, squinting at the brightness, he turned the tap on and washed his face looking up into the mirror.

Jung Hoseok, he was considered tall and very attractive but he didn't see anything special or outstanding about himself, he had a bright smile which people commented on a lot and an illuminating personality. He didn't really have a love life, he didn't seem very interested in it,  I guess he just never found "the one".

He got dressed and headed downstairs, where his room mate Jin was, he had fallen asleep of the couch. Again, Hoseok grunted as he went to wake him up.

"You know you might as well move your bedroom down here" He said irritated as he shook Jin with his foot, Jin grunted and turned over, he fell of the couch with a loud thud "Aishh!!" He cried as he sat up rubbing his back, Hoseok smirked but asked if he was ok, helping him up, "Late work shift last night?" Hoseok asked as he put the pillows back on the couch "Yea, it's just so stressful, you know" Jin started "Well I get the day off today, so I'm going to go do some shopping and catch up with sleep" and with that Jin disappeared up the stairs.

Hoseok opened the fridge to witness emptiness apart from a few cans of soda and some ready meals, "Coffee shop it is" he murmured under his breath as he closed the fridge, it was winter and it was raining so he slipped on his huge puma jacket, grabbed his wallet, phone and keys, his bag for work, and he headed out the door.

Hoseok was a dance instructor, ever since he was young dancing was his passion, he would practise in his free time and street dance when he could, he soon developed a career out of it, opening a dance academy in the centre of Seoul, Korea. It was a very popular place, other dance instructors where hired and it soon became the number one dance academy in the whole of Korea, people would come from all over to practise and take a class with Hoseok, dance was his all, his everything, but something was missing, he didn't know what it was exactly, but some part of him felt empty at times.

"Ding" the sound of the bell rang as he entered the coffee shop, it wasn't very full and thats why he liked it, he inhaled the warm morning smell of Coffee beans being crushed under the machine and bread being cooked, he walked towards the counter.

As he was ordering a figure appeared out of the corner of his eye, "Black Americano. Just give me 8 shots in a cup" the voice said blatantly as the barista looked at him with agony. Hoseok couldn't help but look up to see who the owner of this seductive deep voice was, he decided to take a quick glance

He was like something out of a movie, light blonde hair, not to tall, great figure, light pale skin "What?" Said the man, "n-nothing" Hoseok said quickly turning towards the cash register to pay.

He handed in the money and put the change in his pocket, he picked up his drink and took a sip, as he turned towards the exit he tripped on a floor board that wasn't screwed in properly, his coffee went flying landing all over this mischievous mans shirt, Hoseok caught his balance and looked up to witness the mess he had formed

"What the hell?!?!" The man screamed as he attempted to wipe the drink of his now soaked shirt "Now look what you did" Hoseok looked terrified as he grabbed tissues to clean up the mess "I can do it myself thank you very much" the man said snatching the tissues off him and whipping himself as dry as possible, he picked up his coffee paid and left the shop, thankfully there where only 2 other people that witnessed the accident and they didn't seem to pay even the most remote attention to what had happened.

Hoseok ran after the man out of the shop, "Hey w-wait!" He said walked towards him "I'm really sorry I wasn't paying attention I should have loo-" He was cut off "It's fine, but you owe me a new shirt. Asshat" he smirked, Hoseok felt a huge relieve flow over him as the words came out of the mans mouth, "I'm Hoseok, Jung Hoseok" he said holding out a hand, "Min Yoongi, but just call me Yoongi" he said shaking the others hand, "I have about half an hour till I start work, we can go get that shirt now if you want?" Hoseok said hesitantly, he laughed a little and the other glanced at him "yea sure" Yoongi replied.

They set off down the road heading towards the closest clothes store.


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-Hayley :)

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