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a/n: didn't go over the mistakes OnCe aGAIn


As the couple got closer they saw that the younger, jeon jungkook, was holding a camera in hus hands. he seemed to be filming Jimin who was laughing as he sipped on the bevarage placed in front of him.

"hey you two!" said Hoseok in his usual chiper voice as he walked over to where the two younger's sat.

"H- Hoseok, what are you doing here?" said Jimin as his head snapped round to focus on the two new comers, a shocked expression completely taking over the previous one.

"I could ask you the same thing" Yoongi said with a smirk on his face as he looked round at them, a laugh threatening to escape his mouth as he looked towards Jimins expression.

"Yea, what are you two doing here?" Hoseok pushed as he glanced back and forth between them, a smirk also rising to his face.

"We- I- um..." Jimin turned a dark shade of pink as he slowly lowered his head to look at the floor, his words turning into mumbles as he trailed of.

"Jimin is my boyfriend, and he also offered to be a model for my photography hobby" Jungkook said with a chuckle as he watched the two elders expression change instantly, their jaws dropping as they stared open eyed at Jimin, then Jungkook, then Jimin again.

Jimins head shot up again before Jungkook could even finish his sentence, he look even more shocked than the other couple did.

"W- well then, we shall leave you both to... um, do whatever you were doing- bye"

And with that said, Yoongi and Hoseok shuffled akwardly out of the shop

Once the two men were out of sight Jimin Lot our a long sigh before looking up at the younger boy who still had his camera focused on him "boyfriend!?" Jiming hissed loudly

Jungkook simply shrugged as he put down the camera, placing his elbow on the table as he lent his chin on his hand, smiling at the other, who had an annoying look on his face.

"You didn't seem to mind" he said with a smirk as he lent forward in a seat.

"Jungkook-ahh!!" You said I was your boyfriend!" Jimin complained as his face turned red once again.

Before Jimin was even able to process what was happening, Jungkook Gad leaned forward in his seat, placing both hands firmly on the table.

Jimins eyes widened as he came to the realisation of what was happening.

The kiss what soft and gentle and over before he knew it, leaving the elder wanting more.


"I can't believe he didn't tell me" Hoseok wined as they open the door to the apartment.

"I can't believe you through SNOW with me" Yoongi groaned back at him before taking off his jacket, revealing a soaking wet frame.

"I'm going to take a shower, I'm soaking" Yoongi said as he threw his jacket to the side, Hoseok watched as the elder walked down the dimly lit hallway in the house, pushing open the door to the bathroom, before he walked in, locking it behind him.

Hoseok smirked to himself as he heard the water turn on, he then proceeded to walk into the kitchen, deciding to prepare some hot chocolates for them both.

Realising he wat still in snow covered clothes he went to his room to change. He put on a big warm jumper with some sweatpants before walking back into the kitchen to continue preparing the beverages.

"Hoseok" came the unmistakable voice of Yoongi as he walked into the kitchen.

Hoseok turned around to see why the elder was calling, but instead, standing there in front of him, towel wrapped low around his waist, stood a shirtless, wet haired Min Yoongi.

"I just realised I don't have a change of clothes" he said in a stern raspy voice, he watched as Hoseok began to turn a dark shade of red has he eyes the man up and down

"Um- I-" Hoseok was struggling to form a simple sentence as he drooled over the other males pale, slim body.

"So unless you want to go over to my house and get me a change, I suggest you lend me some clothes" Yoongi replied with a smirk

"Oh yea, clothes" Hoseok nervously laughed as he walked into his bedroom, gesturing for Yoongi to follow

Hoseok handed the elder a pair of light grey sweatpants and an oversized yellow jumper "This should do" Hoseok said as he patted the others back, before walking out of the room to finish making the hot chocolates.

Once he had finished making them he topped them both of with a mountain of spray on cream and some marshmallows.

Just as Hoseok sat down on the couch Yoongi walked into the room.

"You look so huggable!!" Hoseok awed with a warm smile on his face as he held out his arms, signalling for Yoongi to come.

Yoongi roles his eyes at him before walking over to the younger, letting himself be embraced in a big warm hug as they lay down on the couch.

The younger smiled as the other nuzzled his nose into his neck, breaths softly onto his neck, a warm tingly feeling taking him over.

"I made hot chocolates" Hoseok whispered softly to Yoongi as he stroked the stands of hair out of his face.

Yoongi groaned as he sat up, eyeing the drinks before smiling, turning back to look at Hoseok.

"Have I ever told you that you're the best boyfriend ever?" Yoongi shyly confesses as he looked the other deep into his eyes.

"B-Boyfriend?!" Hoseok replied in a shocked voice, he had now fully turned a shade of bright red but his expression was quickly replaced with a warm smile as he leaned forward slightly on the couch, placing a hand on Yoongis knee.

"Boyfriend" Yoongi confirmed as he closed the gap, pulling the other into a long passionate kiss.

~The end~

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