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"My place is just a few minutes walk from here" he informed me.

"No problem" I said smiling back at him. "So, have you lived around here long?" I asked, wanting to hear more of that voice that gave me shivers.

"Not really" he explained "just since starting university...oh yeah and I should probably mention I have two roommates...but they are back at the bar and will be there for quite some time know them" he said with a chuckle.

"That's ok; as long as we are not disturbed" I said to him with a wink. He shot me back a confident smirk and said "well, we wouldn't what that now would we?"

I was just about to ask about the roommates when he announced that we were here. It looked like a small place from the outside which was typical of a student. He fumbled in him pocket for the key and opened the door for me so I could go in first.

"Why thank you kind sir" I said in my fake posh voice as I swept passed him as elegantly as I could.

"Not at all miss" he said back as I entered.

I showed me to the living room first; it was no palace but it was nice enough and well decorated. I walked passed the coffee table and sat out the couch, patting the seat beside me while looking at him. He quickly strolled over and sit next to me. He looked deep into my eyes, brushed my check with him slender fingers and without saying a worm pulled me in for a long kiss. As our lips touched sparks set off in my body and after a few seconds the passion rose, the kiss became deeper and our tongues danced together.

As we came back up for air he put his hand on the bare flesh of my thigh and I let out a little moan. "Do you wanna take this upstairs?" he asked, still a little breathless from the passion of the kiss we just shared.

"Lead the way" I responded, making us both smirk a little. He took my hand and lead me up the stairs. It was amazing; I had not felt like this in should a long time. I could feel my confidence returned and it was only now that I realise how small and pathetic that other guy made me feel. I didn't care if this was just a one-night thing, I just cared that there was someone out there who didn't make me feel like everything I was doing or saying was wrong or stupid.

He is the stupid one. I am wanted.

As we got to his room he opened the door and let me in; the room was quite tidy...for a male student! There was a small bookcase crammed full of books and a little desk which had papers and stationary strewn all over it. He was behind me now and placed both hands on my hips and I unexpectedly jumped a little. "You ok?" he asked with a concerned tone.

"Yeah, I'm fine, you just surprised me a little." I reassured him as I turned to look at him.

"Are you sure? We don't have to do anything you don' want to" he said, still sounding a little concerned.

"Don't you worry, I want to be here with you" I said as I put my hands to his chest and kissed him once more...which I had to stand on my tip toes to do he was so tall!

As we shared the kiss I could feel his hands now on my back and getting a little lower every second until he gently cupped my bum, making me moan a little more at him. He turned me slightly until my back was against the wall. He snaked one of those incredible hands up my leg making me wrap it around him; those long, precision like fingers finding their way up my short skirt and finding just the right sport.

"Oh Brian!" I moaned, breaking the kiss and bumping my head a little on the wall behind us. My fingers nails drug into his shoulders as I enjoyed the pleasure he was giving me. He responded by kissing down my neck to the curve where my neck and shoulder met. "You're so beautiful" he groaned into my neck. His other hand was working on the buttons of my blouse and I reciprocated with the buttons of his shirt. I got a little carried away and tore a few making a couple of the buttons fly across the room.

"Ooops, sorry" I said blushingly.

"Don't be, I'm liking this rougher side of you!" He said with desire in his eyes. So, I pulled the shirt from him and whispered, I'll remember you said that".

He bit his lip and he wrapped his arms around me undoing my bra and casting it aside on one swoop. He leant in to continue the kiss as one of his hands rested on my breast and started to needing it hungrily. My hands eagerly went to his belt and as he felt this, his went to the zip of my skirt. As soon as we relinquished each other of our remaining clothing he powerfully picked me up, now both of my legs wrapping around him and carried me to the bed.

It was an amazing night. He was gentle when he need to be but rougher at just the right time to make me a quivering wreak; I had never experienced a night like it. It was as if he could read me like a book to know what I wanted and when I wanted it. We were together for what seemed like a life time and after we collapsed into each other arms I just smiled at him and said, "thank you for making me remember happy" as we drifted off to sleep.


A gentle stir woke me, I was still night and pitch black around me. "Sorry, did I wake you?" I heard a familiar voice say. "It's ok, don't worry" I was saying when I heard voices from the other side of the door. I gasped but he then reassuringly said, "don't worry, they don't know you are here and there is a lock on the door so no one can come in". It was then I remembered about the room mates.

"Ah...okay then...good" I said relaxing a little and leaning back into the softness of the bed; but as I did a loud, drunken shout came from the landing; "GOODNIGHT BRIAN!!!!"

Brian groaned "Roger is such an idiot".

I turned sharply towards his direction "Roger?" I questioned. "Tell me last name is 'ant Taylor!"

"Err it is...we share this flat and are in a band together with the other guy here...Roger is our drummer...Claire...what's wrong??" He sounded me more concerned that ever.

I chuckled to myself, rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands and muttered, "he's my brother! Claire Taylor...nice to meet you!"


Thank you to anyone who is reading, it means a lot. Please feel free to offer any feedback.

Also, this was the first time I have written more 'mature' content so I hope it was ok ;)

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