1 ~ Friends

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Being friends with Min Yoongi wasn't all that hard. All that was hard was the fact that you actually had to force him to go anywhere. It had been a total of 6 years since I saw Yoongi. He moved to Seoul to become a trainee, which never bothered me. He was following his dream. He debuted a while ago, and his group continually gets bigger. They went from really small to really big in the blink of an eye.

My phone ringing pulled my from my thoughts and I pressed the answer button after seeing it was Yoongi.

"What do you want, grandpa." I teased and I could hear the pout in Yoongi's voice.

"Stop calling me grandpa, goddamnit. Anyway, your plane sets out at noon exactly. And listen to me L/n F/n, if you miss that fucking flight I'm going to kill you, because PD-nim specifically told me that if you miss this flight, he isn't buying another one." Yoongi said and I laughed.

"I won't miss the damn flight, Yoongi. Good lord kid, have some faith." I continued to tease. Again, I could practically hear him roll his eyes.

"I have faith that you'll get here to see Holly. If you don't I'll be angry." Yoongi said and I grinned.

"But I don't wanna see Holly, I wanna see Yeontan!" I laughed.

"You'll get to see Yeontan when Taehyung eventually brings the dog to the studio, but otherwise, you'll see Holly." Yoongi said. I sighed and leaned back on my bed.

"Can you tell me why you desperately wanted me to come to Seoul to see you?" I asked, and Yoongi chuckled.

"Nope. You'll get to know when you get here." Yoongi said and I groaned.

"Just tell meeee~" I said, trying to get a reaction from him.

"No. If you don't stop trying to use your aegyo to get me to tell you, then I'll hang up." Yoongi said.

"No you won't, Yoongi~" I cooed and began to laugh hysterically when he really did hang up. I called him again and he picked up.

"I told you I'd hang up, so I did. I gotta go to practice for a while, so I'll text you later. Make sure to eat something, and sleep well before the flight. And DO NOT MISS THE FLIGHT." Yoongi said, and I laughed again.

"You too, and I won't miss the flight. I promise." I said and Yoongi seemed satisfied.

"Good. Bye, Y/n." Yoongi said and I grinned to myself.

"Bye Yoongi oppa!~" I cooed and Yoongi immediately hung up. I laughed to myself and laid my phone down on the nightstand before curling up and getting ready to sleep.

I woke up to my phone alarm at 10:00. I got my makeup and got into some comfortable but stylish clothes, before I finished packing, and began to make the journey into town to get a taxi to get to the airport. I got to the airport with 10 minutes to spare. Thankfully, the line for security was short, so that only took up about 5 minutes. I ran to the gate and thankfully got on in time. I turned on my phone momentarily to send Yoongi a text saying I got on the plane.

Good, now I don't have to explain to PD-nim why you have to wait another few days before you get here.

Yoongi shot back and I chuckled to myself at his grumpiness. I leaned back in the seat and slept for most of the plane ride, and was only to be awoken by the person next to me when the plane landed. I stepped off the plane and went down to the baggage claim. I couldn't find my bag anywhere. Until I felt arms wrap around me from behind.

"Y/nnnnnnn!~" I heard Yoongi cry out behind me. I turned around to hug him and he did the same back. Yoongi's grin was all I could ever ask for when coming here.

"I came to pick you up! I already got your bags too." Yoongi said, bouncing on the balls of his feet. I laughed at his attitude and hugged him again.

"Thanks for coming to pick me up, but isn't I risky? Being an idol and picking up a girl from the airport?" I asked and Yoongi shook his head.

"It doesn't matter if there's a rumor about us dating or something, because PD-nim has finally allowed us to have girlfriends or friends that are girls." Yoongi said and I laughed again, before taking the bags.

"Come on, dumbass, let's go already." I said, and Yoongi laughed gently before leading me towards the car. I covered my eyes when getting in the car because of a flood of flashes that came out of nowhere. Yoongi glared at the paparazzi and sighed.

"Sorry that you just got flooded by cameras." Yoongi murmured. I shrugged and shook my head.

"It's fine. People always seem to be in your business anyway..." I grumbled, obviously upset about them always wanting to know exactly what Yoongi was doing. Yoongi began to laugh again.

"Are you concerned about me?" he asked. I raised my eyebrows.

"Well yeah, I'm concerned. It's not right." I said and Yoongi laughed again, beginning to make me laugh too.  The drive was shorter than I expected and I just continued to laugh with Yoongi until he began helping me out of the car. You stepped into the house, which happened to not be the dorms I expected. I was immediately met with a little brown dog. I let go of the bags and dropped down to pet the little thing. Yoongi laughed.

"See, Y/n? I told you Holly was cute." Yoongi said and I nodded before she yipped, making me melt inside. After playing with Holly for a while, I looked up at Yoongi.

"Hey, Yoongi? Thanks for letting me come see you after 6 years. It's really been a long time. I kind of missed being friends with you. As in, talk face to face friends." I said and Yoongi grinned his gummy smile.

"I missed it too. Your room's closest to the kitchen. Once you're done playing with Holly, feel free to explore the house." Yoongi said and left the room to go down the hall and towards the door. He stared at the door, then turned his gaze back towards me.

"Wanna come see me edit a new song that hasn't been released yet?" 

(A/N: UwU ya'll welcome for beginning to redo this.)

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