Chapter Two

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"What happened to your face?" Carter's mother's soft hands were suddenly on his chin, turning his face at different angles trying to get the best position to view the dark blue and purple bruise which had formed on his face throughout the school day.

He knew that this would happen, he knew that the second he came through the front door his mother would be asking questions that he seriously didn't want to give answers to. That's why he had gone to Roxy's house after school, hoping that maybe it might magically fade in those extra hours, but unfortunately that hadn't been the case.

"Mom, it's nothing."

His mother wasn't having any of that, she looked him in the eye with an expression that told him that she was calling BS on that.

"This," she pointed to the bruise, 'is something. Who did this to you?' she asked the question fiercely. 

Carter loved his mother, but he was not about to spill all of his problems onto her. She was a single parent looking after two kids. She didn't need more stress. "It was an accident, please don't worry about it."

"You are my son, of course I am going to worry. Did...was it.." she paused for a moment, as if saying Alex's name was enough to break her son to pieces, and maybe it was. 

"No mom, it wasn't Alex. I am fine, I promise," he tried to put as much confidence into his voice as he could, but his mother still didn't seem like she was buying it.

"Are you sure? Do I need to call the school?"

"No, there's no problem, ok? It was all a big accident. I'm going upstairs."

Carter saw that his mother still wasn't convinced, but he was thankful that she didn't push it. He walked up the stairs of their small home, stopping by his room to put his bag down before knocking on the door to his sister's room.

"Mom, I'm doing homework, I'll do my chores later ok!?" His sister's irritated voice floated through the closed door.

"Lucky for you it's not Mom." Carter laughed, knowing that his sister was probably doing anything but her homework.

"Oh, come in!"

Carter opened the wooden door to reveal his sisters room. The twelve year old had an obsession with the colour pink, the all too bright colour staining every wall, piece of furniture and article of clothing the young girl wore. Her light brown hair, a similar colour to her brothers, was in a messy bun on the top of her head. She was sitting on her bed, a small bottle of pink nail polish balanced on the duvet as she blew on her fingernails.

"You are such a liar." He laughed as he sat on the end of her bed, tucking his legs under himself. 

She looked up at her brother for the first time since he entered the room and gasped at the sight, suddenly forgetting about her wet nails. "Woah, I thought it was a lie," she exclaimed, leaning forward to get a better look at her brothers messed up face.

"You thought what was a lie?" he asked, tilting his head slightly in concern.

"That looks horrible, it's purple." she commented, still fixated on the bruise.

"Lara!" Carter cried out exasperatedly, trying to get his sisters attention.

"Huh?" she met her brother's gaze.

"You thought what was a lie?" he asked again.

"Well," she sat back, her wet nails remembered, and blew on them periodically as she spoke, "Jessica, who is William's sister, well, she told me that Jake told William that Alex was making out with some girl and you saw and got super jealous and tried to punch the girl, or maybe tried to punch Alex, but Jake stepped in and punched you, or you punched him, I forget what she said."

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