Simple Pleasures (one direction fan fic)

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Chapter 1

Ana's POV:

"Yeah, Nicole, I'm on my way! I'm just cutting through the park. I'll be there in a few minutes," I reassured my impatient best friend, rolling my eyes.

We'd known each other for years, yet she still expects me to get lost on the way to her apartment. Nicole was always one to worry, even when we were younger. I didn't mind though, she was only caring. Staring through the dense trees on the park, I continued to stroll through; enjoying the silence of the empty park. All could hear was the tweeting of the lively birds and the leaves crunching under my shoes. It was so peaceful, I sighed in delight and closed my eyes; loving the feeling of the sunshine on my cheeks as it peaked through the leaves of the trees.

"RUN!" A distant familiar voice cried startling me; my eyes instantly snapping open. I stopped in my tracks, scanning my surrounding quickly; only slightly frightened.

"Catch up, Niall!" Anaothe very familiar accented voice shouted. I spun around in confusion.

"What the-"

I was cut off by something hard knocking me on my arse; a loud yelp following the thump from my fall.

"Wait, guys! We can't just shove a girl down and leave her there!" The familiar accent was now close, right above me even. Dazed, I glanced up. The only thing clear enough for me to recognize was a famouse head of tousled curly brown before I was being dragged backwards, still on my bum.

"Than let's take her with us and that way no one gets mobbed!" the voice of the one and only Louis Tomlinson sounded from behind me while the same strong arms held tight to my upper arm dragged me on.

"Don't just sit there, love! They're getting closer!" Liam's panic filled voice entered the scene. Realizing he was talking to me, I jumped and spun around now facing them.

"Whose getting closer?" I questioned, getting slightly panicked myself.

"The fans! Do you not see who are we do?!" Niall cried, looking around frantically incase fans closed in.

"Oh....... I've got an idea! Follow me!" I yelled, the stomping of several feet reaching our hearing range.

Having no other choice the boys followed me. I sprinted the rest of the way out of the park and through the streets; dashing for my original destination, or what had now become our safe house. The plain recognizable apartment complex that was practically my own. I grinned and sped on, urging the boys to continue following.

"Where are we going? Your apartment?" Zayn panted. "Not exactly mine, but you guys can hide there until the mob of fans break," I answered in short, reaching the front gates of the apartments. Taking my last few steps towards the barbed wire fence, jumping onto and climbing up; hopping off at the top. Once I landed, I turned around, smiling encouragingly to the boys as they neared and shock settled on their features. I chuckle and motioned them over. Louis was the first to run up and jump; struggling slightly as he climbed but made it across all the same. He grinned at the other boys, now at my side.

"Come on then, boys! Up and over!" he cheered a laugh from the both of us pursuing. With a slight shrug, Niall was the next one over; chasing after him Zayn, Liam, and Harry. "Now that the hard parts over with, let's go!" I smiled, walking ahead of them and towards the closest building.

"Come on! Before the fan see-to late!" my earlier calm washed away as a huge group of fans charged towards the now weak looking fence.

"Come on!" I screamed, grabbing Harry and Zayn hands, tugging them along as they grasped one another; Harry grabbing Louis, Zayn grabbing Niall who grabbed Liam. With the boys trailing behind, I burst through the front door of the complex and dashed up the stairs. The homely door with the brown "WELOME" mat under it came into sight. I slowed and released Harry and Zayn.

"Finally!" I grinned, running my fist against the wooden door; repeatedly knocking as fast an continuously as I could. Niall and Louis soon joined in my rapping; creating a loud roar of knocks. Before to long, I heard her footsteps.

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