Chapter 6

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(About 2:00 in the morning.)

Lance lay in her bed, curled into a ball. She was terrified. Of Lotor, of her friends finding out, of her family not recognizing her. Many things. It took her a few moments to realize how hungry she was. She knew that Allura was out on a mission so it made sense no one came to bring her food.

Only a few minutes passed untill she realized that she was absolutely starving. Since it was late, she figured everyone would be asleep. So she decided she could quickly slip out and run to the kitchen and grab some food goo to last her the next few days.

So she slipped on her iconic blue lion slippers and slipped (pun intended) out of her room.

As she walked quietly, she looked down at her slippers. She hadn't seen blue since she was captured. Was she ok?

As if on cue, she heard blue purring in her mind. The blue paladin smiled to herself for the first time in a long time.

Finally she reached the kitchen and started to stock up on food. She was so busy with doing that, that she didn't hear the footsteps of another person walk into the room.

The next thing she knew, she was pinned up against the wall with Keith pointing his sword at her.

"Who the hell are you!?!" He asked without hesitation.

Lance swallowed hard. "K-keith, buddy. It's me. Me, you know, L-l-l-l-" he wasn't able to say his name. Was this something Lotor did to her. "Me.L-l-laura."

Lance clasped her hands over her mouth.

"What the fuck did i just say?" She thought to herself.

"You're a spy for the galra aren't you? I don't know a soul named Laura."

"No, Keith. Please you have to believe me. H-he did this to me. He made it so i cant say my name or something." She felt warm tears fall down her face. It felt that all she ever did was cry. But she couldn't help it. No matter how hard she tried to control it.

"Please Keith. It's me. Your friend. Please." Keith kept himself stern.

"You're a spy. Not my friend."

With that Keith flipped Lance around and tied her hands behind her back.

The red paladin had to drag a sobbing girl all the way to the "jail" of the castle. He slammed the metal bars shut and locked it. Leaving Lance no way to get out.

"We'll all be here tommorow to decide what to do with you." He glared at her before leaving. Lance just lay there eyes red and puffy.


The next morning, Keith walked in eager to share the news.

Once they were all seated, Keith began to tell them of what happened last night and how they now had a galra spy to get answers out of. Shiro was surprisingly impressed.

The moment after Shiro patted him on the back, there was an incoming call from the one and only, Prince Lotor. The team took a few seconds to decide whether to answer it or not.

In the end, they decided they should in case they could learn anything else about the galra from the call.

"Accept call." Shiro spoke to the castle.

Seconds later, the galra princes face was on the screen. "Ahh the paladins of voltron," an evil smirk crept onto his face. "All but 1." He lifted his finger up to illustrate the point.

"I don't suppose Lance has told you anything yet."

All the paladins stayed completely silent. "Just as i expected. Well, i called because I would like to show you a video of what it was like for Lance during the time he was in the castle. Would you like to see it?"

The prince didn't wait for an answer. Video feed was pulled up onto the screen. It showed Lance (in his male form) tied to a chair with his hands and feet bound.

Along with that, he was wearing a long silky dress with beautiful fabric embroidered on the sleeves and the bottom of the dress. One interesting thing about it was that there were 2 slits in the dress that went from the bottom up to his thighs. Although the team hated to admit it, Lance looked amazing in it.

 But his eyes said otherwise. They were filled with fear, red and puffy. Clearly from crying. They watched in silence as they saw Lance struggling. Trying to get out.

Moments later, Prince Lotor walked in. One hand empty and the other was clutched to what looked like a sex tool.

"Oh my love. Don't you look absolutely dashing in that outfit."

The Lance on the screens eyes traced down to the floor. "What do you want?" He mumbled.

"Oh, me? You see, i need to do something to you ane take a video. For future uses." He grinned as he kneeled down next to Lance.

"I want you paladins to understand that Lance is now mine. Nothing you can do will ever change that."

Lance's eyes widened. The paladins who were viewing the video could see a flicker of hope in his eyes. But then the tears came. "Please. Help me. i wont do anything bad anymore. I'll become better and train harder please."

They continued to watch in silence as their friend begged them for their help.

"Oh but Lance, they aren't coming for you." Their hatred for the prince only grew.

"Now, let's get on with what I came here to do." Lotor slid his hand inside Lance's skirt through the slits. And the paladins could tell he was slowly moving it up towards his member.

They heard the blue paladin cry out in pain when they saw the prince smiling. They all figured that he was clutching Lance's dick.

Moments later, the prince picked up the sex tool and turned it on so it was vibrating. Lance shook his head and cried as Lotor slipped it into his dress.

This was shortly follow with many wimpers and groans from their fellow paladin and more wet, hot tears.

Seeing his best friend in this state made Hunk bawl his eyes out aswell and Pidge refused to watch any longer. As for Keith, he couldn't take his eyes off the screen. He wants to murder the stupid prince. He had hurt his friend. In a way that no one should ever experience. He could only imagine what else Lotor had done to him.



Hey loves. Thank u all for the feedback ive been getting it's rlly helpful and would love more. Also sorry i took like 3 years to update but from now on I'll be more active. I'll post at least once a week if not more. Stay with me😘

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