77. Dare You To Move

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"Welcome to the planet; welcome to existance." 

Song: Dare You To Move

Artist: Switchfoot

I could feel the pieces of my world starting to fall back into place after being so violently and abruptly distorted.  The sun shining on my face felt like a good omen, a sign of a bright future now that the darkness was behind us.  I couldn’t help but smile in content as Harry and I walked through campus, his arm thrown casually around my shoulders as he walked me to class.  It felt like something so normal, so mundane and simple after our past few days, but it felt good to be doing something so casual.

I had laughed when Harry had offered to walk me to class, taking his offer as a joke.  I had been pleased when he’d been serious, wanting to spend as much time with me as possible.  Today was the first day I’d been on campus in a long time where I felt like I could actually comprehend what was going on.  While we’d been going through everything, my trips to class and campus had been a useless haze, a pointless waste of time that gave me a bit of a reprieve from my devastating pain. 

Now, however, the world around me seemed more vivid, more alive.  The trees seemed greener, the sky bluer, and the sun warmer on my skin as I reveled in the contented bliss that had settled in my body.  My hand reached up to grasp Harry’s that was slung casually over my shoulder, squeezing lightly as I leaned into him while we walked.  He ducked his head down to put his lips at my ear.

“You look happy today,” he whispered, his lips nudging against my ear as he spoke.  It probably wasn’t necessary for him to whisper, but I loved the intimacy of his lips at my ear, his arm around my shoulder, and the contact with him as we walked.  A few people glanced at us, taking in the way we were tangled together, but I made no notice of them. 

“I am happy,” I said truthfully.  A wide grin spread across my face as he kissed my temple lightly.  “Are you happy?”

I tilted my head to glance at him and catch his beaming smile as he looked down at me.  He looked absolutely amazing with his green eyes crinkling in the corner and a dimple dipping into his cheek.  His hair was pushed back under a black snapback, the strap set across his forehead as he wore it backwards. 

“Extremely,” he grinned. 

“Good,” I replied, squeezing my arm around his waist.  We were almost to the building my class was in, which was coincidentally next to the building Harry’s took place in.  “This is my building.”

We slowed to a stop and Harry tightened his arm around my shoulder to haul me into his chest for a brief hug.  He kissed my forehead lightly before releasing me. 

“I have to meet with my professors later, but I’ll see you tonight?”

“What? Why?” I asked, surprised. 

“I haven’t gone to class in like two weeks,” Harry said, shrugging.  My eyebrows rose in surprise.

“Harry!” I scolded lightly.  He grinned sheepishly at me.

“What? It would have been pointless,” he said simply.  He had a point.  Even though I’d gone to my classes, I had been completely mentally absent.  I’d done just enough to get by without failing out of them.

“You’re not failing, are you?”

“No, I don’t think so,” he said casually.  He seemed unconcerned. 

“Okay,” I said, frowning slightly. “Just call me when you’re done, then.”

“Okay babe,” he said, ducking his head to kiss my lips lightly.  “See you later.”

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