84. Pressure

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"There's a change in pressure... never gonna lie to you."

Song: Pressure

Artist: The 1975

Two hours and numerous questionable drinks later, the four of us were significantly drunk. It was by far the drunkest I'd ever seen Harry, and I could hardly contain myself as fits of laughter wracked through my body periodically. His words were slurring adorably, just as I was sure mine were as well. It seemed everything he said fought to stay in his mouth, his lips and tongue not cooperating the way he hoped to.

"Halleee my drink is gone," he said, tapping me lightly on the nose with his now empty glass. I remained sitting on his lap, my arm looped lazily around his neck to keep my drunken body from falling off. He had one arm roped around my back and the other that held his glass resting on my lap, where he'd accidentally spilled more than once to wet my jeans with his drink.

"Well get another one silly," I replied, draining the rest of my glass and setting it on the end table next to the chair we were sitting in.

"But I'm s'tired," he mumbled, dropping his forehead to land on my shoulder. He let out a ridiculously overdramatic snore, followed quickly by a snort of laughter and a very uncharacteristic giggle. I joined in the giggling as I poked his stomach, earning a quiet 'ow' from him as he rested against my shoulder.

"Keep drinking with meee," I requested drunkenly, barring my teeth widely at him as he rose his head to glance at me. His eyes were bleary as he watched me, his gaze taking a little longer than usual to focus on me.

"Alright, alright, woman..." he trailed off, mumbling something I couldn't hear while I continued to giggle.

He stood from the chair to get another drink, dumping me unceremoniously on the floor after accidently heaving me off his lap in his haste to stand up. I landed with a loud thud, the alcohol in my body cushioning the fall easily. I cackled uncontrollably on the floor as he stooped down in front of me, apologizing profusely in his adorably slurred speech.

"Baby, ohmygod I'm so sorrrry," he said, ducking down in front of me while tears leaked from my eyes, finding everything far more funny than it probably actually was.

"You dropped me!" I accused playfully, pointing my finger at him. I struggled to sit up off the floor but finally managed to lift my back from the ground. My head swam at the movement but I tried to ignore it. I'd lost count of how many drinks I'd made, a task which Harry had taken over at some point when I was no longer able to determine an appropriate amount of alcohol for each drink. His plan had clearly backfired, however, because he was just about as bad at it as I was after consuming so much alcohol. His drinks had been just as strong, if not stronger, than the ones I'd been making, resulting in our current states.

"Are you hurt?" he asked, stumbling slightly as he lost his balance, falling back to land on his bum with a slight huff. He looked surprised as he found himself in that position, setting me off on another round of laughter. I pushed my hair out of my face and crawled forward, settling between his long legs as they stretched out in front of him. He leaned back on his hands, watching me with a lazy grin on his face while I folded my legs, my thighs resting atop of his.

"Terribly hurt," I said, pouting playfully as I tugged lightly on the hem of his shirt in an attempt to draw him closer. He resisted lazily, letting his head tilt back momentarily before refocusing on me.

"Ya look it," he mumbled with a lopsided grin.

"Look!" I said dramatically, holding my hand up in front of his face. He squinted at it, frowning deeply in concentration.

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