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Once Upon A Time...

My name is Lola, I'm Muu's little sister. I am very open and  very talkative. Everyone on the Fanalis Corps are really close and kind to me, but not because I am Muu's little sister.

I am now on a ship to Sindria for an unknown reason, I really hate not knowing what's going on. From port to Sindria was about 4 days so I did what I usually do everyday..... Train.

I tapped Muu on the shoulder, "Fight me brother we know who will win." I death stared him with a smile. Battle after battle we would still end up tying and I couldn't stand it, but we weren't aloud to use mettle vessels on the boat. We stopped knowing no one would win. "We will finish later when we are on land if we can okay!" I turned and went to my room I was staying in, that is all I did for 4 days... train, eat and sleep.

Finally we were at Sindria's port, and when the boat stopped I couldn't wait to get off since I was more of a land person than water. I went to jump off when I landed on something warm like a pillow. I looked down to see a man who looked like a Fanalis holding me. It scared the crap out of me, so I screamed!

"Lola are you okay? What's wrong!" I could hear Muu and Lo'lo run over. I was so embarrassed and flustered that I forgot the Fanalis was still holding me.

"ITS A PERVERT HELP ME!" I screamed while kicking and instead of helping they just laughed. I was really mad now. When I finally was calmed down a bit I got off and I muttered a sorry and turned to Muu and Lo'lo. After a couple more death glares they finally stopped laughing. Muu finally walked forward to man with purple hair with 8 other people behind him including the Fanalis.

"Hello King Sinbad, as you know we are the strongest Fanalis in the Fanalis Corps and have come to stay for a while to help train your guards to become better." Muu and Lo'lo bowed, but I didn't so Muu grabbed my head and forced me to.

"Hello there, I am happy to see you three but I only asked for two since we already have a Fanalis as well?" The man named Sinbad questioned "I have nothing against her though but she is very beautiful." I looked away not showing my face.

"Well your highness this is my little sister Lola, she matches my strength and I couldn't leave her alone. I'm sorry if this is troubling but we will go back if she has to go." My brother said sticking up for me. I mumbled thanks and went to the ship to grab my stuff. The ship supposedly took everything off the ship so It was leaving. I sighed noticing my bag was missing so I got into position and jumped to the ship. I didn't know everyone was staring so I grabbed the bag they forgot and leaped back onto the port. Everyone was staring at me as I walked to where the king and my brother were. I bowed as an apology and stood back up.

"Well she is fine I was just wondering. Since you don't know any of my generals let me introduce you to them. The Magician with the seashell boobs is Yamraiha, the Albino with freckles is my trusted assistant Ja'far, the dragon man is Drakon, the giant over there with the red fork reef thing is Hinahoho, the women next to him is his wife Rurumu, the swordsman with old hair is Sharrkan, the adult trapped in a child's body is Pisti, the guy holding a spear probably bigger than himself is Spartos and the Fanalis who doesn't speak barely a word is Masrur or the guy who was holding Lola." The people I was just introduced to didn't look that happy.

"Don't say I have seashell boobs ever again only I can say that!" Said the women named Yamraiha.

"I'm not an Albino I'm just pale!" Yelled Ja'far.

"I'm not a dragon man that makes like no sense!"Drakon said

"My spear isn't a fork reef thing idiot." Mumbled Hinahoho

"My hair is naturally white I can't change it!" Sharrkan said holding his sword tightly

"I'm in my twenties, it not my fault I just won't grow!"Pisti said while folding her arms.

"The spear isn't bigger than me Sin we have gone over this many times it 20 centimeters shorter than me!" Spartos said in a serious voice

"Sorry I thought you were going to hurt yourself." Masrur said and everyone just stared at us. I went towards him.

"It's okay you were just trying to be nice and helpful! I kinda overreacted so I'm sorry. Masrur I hope we can become great friends while I'm here!" I gave a giant smile and was blushing a bit.

"Well let's go to the castle shall we." Said the king gesturing us to come.
~~To Castle~~
I was in awe the castle was amazing! All of a sudden 3 teenagers and a child came running towards us. I was confused as to why children running around were they one of their children. Wait one was a Fanalis, was Masrur the father!!

"Well you haven't met the trio and one of the Prince's from the Kou Empire. He blue haired child is Aladdin, the blond one is Alibaba, the Fanalis girl is Morgiana and the boy with a scar on his face is Hakuryuu one of the prince's of the Kou Empire." They all waved and said hello. But the Fanalis girl, Morgiana can up to me.

"Finally another female Fanalis!" I couldn't help but laugh and I didn't do that very often.

"Well at least you have your father." I said in a sweet tone and everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

"I do?" She questioned. I looked at Masrur and he shook his head. Shit! I was so embarrassed I ran into the forest at lightning speed. Ugh that was so embarrassing. My face was so red I could fell the heat just radiating off my face.
~~Couple of hours later~~
No one's POV

"Shouldn't we look for her isn't she your sister aren't you worried!?" Sinbad questioned Muu. Muu shook his head.

"When she does something embarrassing like what just happened, she runs and trains to cool off. So it's very normal for her to do this and she can fight on her own she isn't a damsel in distress!" Muu scolded Sinbad for questioning if he cared for his own blood.

"Im going." Masrur said wanting to go look for the Female Fanalis.

"Don't get hurt when I warned you. She is very strong and has 2 metal vessels." Muu turned and went to the room.

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