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I stood there shocked at his words. I knew I had feelings for him but I was so scared that maybe he was li-

"I said I love you, so stay." I blushed and hugged him.

"I-I love you t-too." He hugged me back and we stood there for a couple minutes just in that moment. I wanted it to last but the world was still going and I couldn't let this stop me. "So looks like I'm staying then right?" I smiled while blushing everyone watching. I was a bit embarrassed but still kept my head up.

About 3 1/2 years later

"WHERE IS MY BROTHER!!! THE CEREMONY IS IN 3 MINUTES AND HE ISNT HEREEEEEE!!!!" It was my wedding day! Where the hell was my brother, the whole Fanalis Corpse even showed up with him on the boat earlier this week so I know he is somewhere in the palace hopefully.

I sighed in my room as remembering so many things have happened. I even remember the look on my face when I first jumped off the boat onto Masrur. Thinking about it just makes me happy.

Knock knock

"Come in!" I say back up and saw my idiot brother and my smile went away.

"Hey little sis don't you look pretty... and fat?! Have you not been training!" I then got even more mad.

"IM PREGNANT YOU IDIOT!!!" I then blushed for yelling it out loud. No one had found out yet and I wanted to keep it that way... "look what you did you idiot it was supposed to be a surprise but now someone could have heard me and I'm sure someone did and now it can't be a surprise!" I laid on my bed.

"Well it's kind of obvious your prego. You have a tiny bump sis." He smiles and I was a bit flustered.

"Do you think Masrur knows!?" I was a bit sad but kinda of scared.

"Yah we have talked about it! Well he told me and I kind of found out since everyone and the castle has been noticing. With you eating everything in your path and how much you and Masrur have been having sex it's kind of hard to not fit the pieces." I blushed and put a pillow over my face.

"How do you know about the sex part!" I muffled through my pillow.

"Well you both are really loud, and after the way he was after the first time you guys had sex," he laughed, "he has had the same smug on his face every time!" I blushed even more.

"Shut up! This isn't my fault!" I looked at him pouting.

"Yah it is, if it isn't then whose is it that little baby of yours?" We both looked at each other and laughed.

"You are such a menace!" She laughed a bit more, but then look Muu with a bit of sadness in her eyes, "I wish our parents were here. I know we don't know them, but it would be nice you know to have a mom helping me getting ready and a father to walk me down the isle.'

"Don't think of such things on your wedding day, you have so many other people that love you. Even if you dont have parents for that type of stuff ill always be here for you." He smiled and pet my head. "Come on time to walk to down the isle." He put his hand out and I grabbed it walking out of my room and to the ceremony.

I began my walk down the isle. It was beautiful, way more than my imagination and dreams. everything was perfect. Even the high priestess was here with the whole Fanalis Corps. They were all crying and cheering me on. All the worries left my head as i saw my love. He was truly so handsome. Then the time came, my brother let go of my hand and as i got closer tear ran down Masrur's face, something i have never seen.

"You look beautiful." I blushed and smiled at him.

"Thank you... I'm so excited." He smiled back at me, something he has been doing a lot recently and then the ceremony started. A couple minutes later after our vows it was finally the time.

"Masrur do you take Lola to be ur lawfully wedded wife?" Sinbad said while he tried keeping himself emotionally together.

"I do." He smiled a bit

"Lola do you take Masrur to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

We smiled at each other and i look at Sin. He looked back and nodded. "By the power invested in me, as the King of Sindria, i now pronounce you two husband and wife. Groom, you may now kiss your bride!"

Bells, music, cheers and clapping began to fill the hall as Masrur and i shared a kiss. It was the most magical feeling to ever be known on Earth, to finally be with my love in pink.

~ fin.


a few years later.

"I swear Jia if you do not get down there i will send your father to come get you!" a small girl with pink hair and pink eyes swung her feet in the air as she sat on a tree branch.

"well i dont wanna! You never complain when the twins do it! Im even older than them!" The mother began to become more frustrated as the girl continued to speak.

"That's because Jed and Jai actually train... you are up there to avoid it! Not because of any other rea-" a man that looked like woman and girl walked up with two boys on his back cut the woman off.

"Jia why arent you listening to your mother? We talked about this." the man seemed to be the girl's father. He put the boys down and than stretched out his hands to catch her signaling her to come down. there was no ifs or buts. 

The girl jumped and he caught her. She sighed as her mother began to nag and nag how she did not listen. The girl just rolled her eyes and was about to hide in her father's arms when something caught her eyes.

A handsome man came around the corner with purple hair. It was Jia's favorite person in the world. "Uncle Sinbad! Save Me!" she then hugged his legs and crawled up his back and was now being piggy backed by the King. he laughed and stared at the couple and the two boys.

"hello Jia," he ruffled her crazy pink hair making it worse,"Hello Masrur and Lola, i see Jia is causing trouble i presume." Sinbad continued to get closer as others were behind him, the other generals. They were giggling behind sinbad and poking Jia as she was making faces at them. Just careless teasing one might say.

"Of course she is. You know her Sinbad..." Lola looked at Masrur and he nodded at her. "well on the topic of children and how stressful they are, we have an announcement for everyone. We were actually on our way now to the throne room to share it, but due to Jia's stubbornness plans changed a bit." Lola sighed and Masrur had a smirk on his face. "im pre-" Masrur cut her off and then picked her up.

"Lola is once again with child!" Everyone stared in shock including the children. It quickly turned into cheer and laughing. The children ran to their parents as the King and generals got closer as well. They all congratulated the family and all began to walk into the castle. Their home. 

The years passed and the children grew.

Masrur and Lola brought 6 beautiful children into the world.

When Masrur and Lola retired they stayed in the castle along with the rest of their family and friends.

The children all became amazing fighters and travel the world and go on their own adventures. They are all discovering themselves, but they visit their parents very often.

This is the end for our lovers. May they forever love each other and live on.

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