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Masrur's POV

Where is she, she has been out for at least 5 hours.



The hell was that? Oh right she is a Fanalis that vents by training. I ran in the direction of the sounds until I saw her in the moonlight. She was the most beautiful Fanalis and women I had ever seen. I didn't realize she was right behind me until I felt her eyes gazing my back.

Lola's POV

I felt someone's presence as I vented out so I snuck up behind them to find out it was Masrur.

"boo." I said in a soft tone trying not to scare him. He turned and looked at me with no emotion in his face. I waved and he waved back. Oh no I did something super embarrassing again didn't I. I went to turn around when I felt warm and big hands on my shoulders.

"No, back to castle now." Was all he said and put me over his shoulder as if I was a sack!

"Put me down! I can't look at them in the face what I didn't was so embarrassing!" I kicked him with some force but he didn't even flinch. So I just sat there pouting until we got to the castle.
"Lola finally!" Muu shouted as I entered the castle gates. I looked away still embarrassed.

"I'm tired so I'm going to my room." I said looking at Muu forgetting the position I was in until I was dropped. "Hey!" I said rubbing my butt. I looked at Masrur and he looked at me. It was really hard to stay mad at him and I didn't know why, the only I felt was a warm feeling that I had never felt before.

Masrur turned when everyone started to run to me.

"Miss Lola are you alright." Said he boy named Aladdin.

"I'm fine and I'm sorry Morgiana for thinking her was your father." I apologized and bowed a bit.

"It's fine I kinda wished he was my father since is he is so strong and powerful and call me Morg!" She smiled.

"Well it's been nice but I'm tired goodnight. Muu where am I staying?" I asked as more people came.

"Lets go I'll show you, your room is right next to mine. I nodded and walked with him before anyone could question my actions.

We were now in front of a door and Muu opened it. "Here this is your room and I put your stuff in the drawers already. Well goodnight Lola see you tomorrow since we have to train some Marshmallows!" I nodded and closed the door.
-- morning

Sun shined in my face so early in the morning. It was my brother opening the drapes.

"Bro stop I'm to tired I just want to sleep. I had a bad dream about going to Sindria and I just want to sleep in a bit more! Give me the day off or something I can't even tell you how embarrassing the dream was!" I looked to my brother as he was laughing his ass off.

"It wasn't a dream you idiot it was real so get your feisty ass out of bed!" I got up and punched him in the arm.

"Fine I'm up, now leave so I can at least look presentable!" I giggled and shut the door behind him.

I walked into the bathroom that connected to my room and I stood in awe. The tile was just so shiny and the walls were painted with waves that you could get lost in. I twirled for a second and took my clothes off and got into the bath. It was warm I could just go back to bed, and I did.
"Where the hell is she!" Muu asked himself as he looked for me. So he went into my room and heard the shower running. "Hurry up you never take this long!" He didn't hear a sound. "Are you listening! If you don't get out now I'm going on there in 3...2.5...1.5...1...0 I'm coming in!" Muu came in to find me sleeping in the bath. He mumbled idiot, wrapped me in my towel and placed me on my bed.

Knock Knock

"Um Muu is ev- um well I don't think this is appropriate in any case but you are from another country so I cant control what you do so I'm sorry for interrupting." Ja'far said in a rush and slammed the door, so I jolted up from the sound and my towel fell. Muu looked at me and scolded me for falling asleep and then left to go find Ja'far and tell him what really happened.
After the talk with Ja'far and me finally getting ready Muu, Lo'lo and I were taken to Sinbad's office. Inside his office were all the generals, the trio and prince of Kou Empire.

"There was a bit of a problem this morning your highness so I apologize for my sister's actions." Muu said while bowing. I was a little tired still so I sneaked my way under the nearest table. No one noticed so I decided to take a nap under it.
No one's POV

Muu, Lo'lo and Sinbad talked about the arrangements on what they were here for when Masrur noticed Lola was no where in sight.

"She is gone." Masrur spoke and everyone looked around and couldn't find her. Soon Sinbad pointed for Masrur to pick up the table Lola was sleeping under. The noise woke up the Fanalis Female and she stiffened up forgetting she fell asleep. She looked up to Masrur who gave her an apologetic look and lifted the table.

Lola jumped from the floor onto Masrur's back and couldn't help but find it comfy so she automatically fell back to sleep. Everyone was surprised, especially Muu, Lo'lo and Masrur. Masrur's face had a tint of light pink over it because of Lola's sudden actions. Sinbad had a giant grin that had crept in his face but couldn't help himself he had to laugh a bit.

"Looks like she likes you Masrur! She's like a kitten. I can't believe she just jumped on you, thought you were comfortable probably and just pasted out! That's just to much!" Sinbad said while the other 7 generals were laughing with him. Muu, Lo'lo, the trio and Hakuryuu were also laughing except this time she didn't wake up from the noise she just slept and had a good dream.

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