Chapter 3 (Doo Young POV)

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I wake up to the smell of bacon.
it smells so good.
I hate seeing blackness when I wake up.
it sucks.

I get up from my bed slowly and put slipped on my feet.
I slowly open the door and hear the sound of bacon sizzling get louder than it was when I had my door closed.
I hold the railing and slowly walk to the kitchen.

"who is there?"
"it's me Haneul. I came over to make you some breakfast. some pancakes with eggs and bacon."
I nod and sit at the table.
soon breakfast is done. I hear the plate hit the table softly and slightly slide towards me.
he touches my hand and puts a cold steal fork in my hand.

"the pancakes I cut into small pieces so it would be less of a hassle to eat. egg is also cut up into fairly small pieces." I can hear the smile on his face so I smile back.
I dig the fork into the pancake and put it in my mouth.

I don't really like pancakes but I'm eating it for him. as soon as I put it in my mouth I feel like my taste buds have changed because I felt all the love and effort that was put into making this piece of pancake and it, just taste so freaking good.

"wow Haneul this is so good! you're amazing at cooking. I love this, thank you!"
I hear him chuckle,
"oh shush I'm alright." I can tell he's  blushing. I wish I could see.

after breakfast me and Haneul are seated on the couch infront of the tv.
I fell him shift beside me.
"yes Doo young?"
"It pains me that I don't know what you look like....i wish I knew...explain what you look like to me please..." I hear him cough a bit and he puts his hand on my hand.

" my eyes are a nice brown. my eyelids are the way they were since I was born. my eyes almost make me look like a cat. my smile and chubby cheeks make me look like a hamster. my hair is black. I'm fairly in good shape but a bit skinny. but also muscular. I also am the same height as you"

when he's done talking I think hard and long on what he looks like...
I imagine him looking like this;

he seems so cute and he sounds so hot....
what am I thinking oh man.

"you sound handsome...." I say blushing.
he holds my hand tight then kisses my cheek. his soft feeking lips touching my warm cheek. my cheeks got warmer and redder.

"I have to go now Doo Young I'll be back in a bit I have work." he gets up and leaves the house.

I get up and jump in one spot and do a happy dance for some odd reason.
"he kissed my cheek!"
I fell happily and squeal like a girl.
I manage to call down.
I think I like him.

the next hour I was in my room taking a nap when I woke up to the sound of it creak open.
"Doo young~? are you awake?"
it's Haneul.
"yes Haneul."
"good because I'm made you some black bean noodles for dinner."
"can you help me to the kitchen?"
"of course Doo youngie"
I blushed at the nickname and I grabbed his arm and he lead me to the couch and sat me down and gently placed the warm bowl onto my lap.

he hands me my fork and I dig in.
"thank you hannie. it taste so good." he giggles quietly.
"it's so cute when you giggle.."

after that moment It was (I'm assuming) getting late. "what time is it?" I feel him shift beside me, "it's 3am I should really go home to bed." as he gets up I grab his arm, "don't leave...spend the night, you can sleep in my brothers old room.." he sits back down, "are you sure?" I smile, "of course I'm sure."

I get up and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I walk to my room I've been wearing the same thing for god knows how long. I haven't even had a shower mainly because it's such a hassle because I can't see.

"hey Doo Young are you- oh I'm  sorry I didn't know you were changing." "no don't leave I need help." I hear his feet step in the room. "I need help showering, can you shower with me please...?" he grabs my hand and I'm guessing he is leading me to the bathroom.

I hear his jeans and belt hit the floor and shirt hot the floor as well. he walks into he shower with me and turns on the water.

he is very close to my back since he's washing it. I feel something touch my butt, I ignore it though.

he turns me around and the side of my butt glides against something warm and thick and long...oh my god is this his?! it is?! oh man.
when I'm facing him I feel mine touch his and I tremble. I step back a bit and he continues to wash me. i can feel that his is bigger than mine....oh man.

when we are done he helps me change into my clothes and I'm sitting on my bed. he leaves and wishes me a good night and I slowly drift to sleep.

I feel like I'm sitting down on the ground. I'm crying. someone is yelling rude things at me but I don't know what.
I don't know what's happening but I feel a sharp sting all over my body and it hurts. my ears start to ring I scream.

I jolt awake and I get up and slowly wake over to where Haneul is sleeping. I knock on the door and open it. "h-hanuel?" he whispers back, "yes Doo young. what is it?" I get in and close the door. "i had a nightmare." I start to tear up and cry. I'm such a baby. "oh no" I hear the bed move and he holds my tight. soon leading me to the bed and we are both laying down.

I'm cuddling against him.
hearing his whispers of comfort in my ear...i slowly drift to sleep in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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