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A/N: Hey guys! Erm.. I.. Well this was an idea that popped into my mind sometime a few days ago. I had just watched a newer video about the boys at Sweden, and I was getting ready for bed... And right when I closed my eyes, BOOM!! This idea slammed into my mind and I couldn't actually fall asleep til 2am... Needless to say, I woke up extremely (and I do mean EXTREMELY) late that day... Nearly missed my bus.

Anyways, this is just a simple prologue type of deal.. Just to see if you guys kind of like the idea? It's not gonna be that long... I suppose.. Er..

Alright, enough of my rambling! Tell me what you think! Thanks, and... Enjoy? *shrugs and grins*


| Prologue |

Hundreds of Sweden fans were crowded together, screaming and cheering. The sounds of their voices muffled out anything and everything. The security guards were busy controlling the girls, trying to keep them from scaling the sides of the buildings and jumping onto any of the five young stars smiling and laughing down at them all. They were completely oblivious.

Which was perfect.

No one suspected a thing. The overcrowding in the area made it hard to catch anything suspicious, even if it was happening right under their noses.

And in this case, it was.

He was angry. Full of downright fury. Blood pounded through his ears as he slowly stalked up the stairs to his destination. Maybe, just maybe, if he would have taken a few short seconds to calm down... Just a few seconds to think about what he was about to do, none of this would have happened.

But then again, if it wasn't for THEM, he wouldn't be in this situation. He wouldn't be so furious, so heart-broken, so torn... He'd be, well, happy.

So he didn't think about the consequences. He didn't think about how wrong it was. He wanted pay-back.

He wanted revenge.

Not once did it occur to him that maybe it wasn't their fault. That maybe they didn't have a choice in the matter. Which was true after all... It wasn't THEIR fault that his girlfriend dumped him for a chance to be with one of those five lads. They had absolutely nothing to do with it... Other than the fact that they were alive.

Which drove him to this single drastic decision. A boy full of so much love.. So caring and helpful towards others... But right when his girlfriend decided to loose him because the oh-so-famous boy band was coming to town, and she wanted a 'chance' with one of them, all was lost. He wasn't the same anymore.

Some may argue that it didn't have to do with his jealously at all. Some, the people that knew him, said he was always holding back every ounce of anger he had. He never was the type to get mad. Never hurt purposely, always felt terrible if he raised his voice even a bit... and that the incident with his girlfriend was that one moment that finally made him crack; explode into a unidentifiable monster.


It only took a moment.

It wasn't their fault, he finally figured it out, but he caught on to his senses a little too late.

His damage was done. It was to late to go back. He wanted his revenge... He wanted it no matter what the cost. Well, he got it.

He should be proud. He should feel accomplished. But, he didn't.

He was a smart boy. He knew somewhere in his heart was he was going to do was horribly wrong, but yet, he did it anyways.

He loved her. He put let his heart dangle helplessly on his sleeve. He let all his walls fall down. And with that one moment of distress, he allowed himself to get angry.

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